There is also no firm evidence that it was "bullet lead".
But it sure would have been an amazing coincidence if it WASN'T "bullet lead" that was adhered to that curbstone on Main Street, however.
Wouldn't you agree?
We have a fresh mark on the curb with lead traces on it being discovered just after bullets (with lead in them) are flying around Dealey Plaza.
Come on, John, where are you going with this stuff about James Tague's "credibility"? You know as well as I do that he was struck with something by the Underpass on November 22nd.
In addition to his Warren Commission testimony, there is also Buddy Walthers' 11/22/63 Sheriff's Report, which clearly indicates that Tague told Walthers (very shortly after the assassination) that he was struck in the face by something:
"Some unknown person stated to me that something had hit his face while he was parked on Main Street." -- Via Walthers' 11/22/63 Sheriff's Report
Regarding Walthers' WC testimony, my guess is this:
The reason that Walthers never mentioned seeing blood on Tague's face is due to the chronology of the questioning that was done during Walthers' WC session.
I.E., there was no specific question about "blood" asked of Buddy Walthers, nor did there really need to be, in order to arrive at the truth of the situation -- with the obvious truth being: James Tague was struck by SOMETHING during the assassination of JFK, and that fact is bolstered by Walthers' testimony, when Buddy told the Warren Commission that Tague told him that is what happened.
However, it would have been nice if Wesley Liebeler had asked this question, too:
"Mr. Walthers, do you recall seeing any blood on the face of the man who told you he was struck by something down by the Underpass?"
But Liebeler obviously saw no reason to doubt Tague's story, so the "blood on the cheek" issue, specifically, was not considered a particularly important issue and was not followed-up with other witnesses (such as Walthers).
Hindsight, of course, is always 20/20. And if Liebeler were to have a second chance at questioning Eddy "Buddy" Walthers again, perhaps he would ask the above question. But perhaps he still wouldn't have. Who knows?
And along those same lines, if J. Lee Rankin were to have been given a second opportunity to interview Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy, then Rankin might have asked her the following very important question which was never asked of Mrs. Kennedy by Rankin on June 5, 1964:
"Mrs. Kennedy, can you state for the record exactly where on your husband's head the wounds that you saw that day were located?"
It sure would have been nice if the above question was asked of Jackie Kennedy.
The Dallas Police Department radio tapes also provide some additional information. And even though James Tague's name isn't mentioned, I think it's pretty clear that the officer is talking about Tague in this police radio transmission, which was broadcast at 12:37 PM CST, just seven minutes after the assassination:
"I have one guy that was possibly hit by a richochet from the bullet off the concrete and another one saw the President slump."
David Von Pein
May 31, 2009
January 15, 2014