The above conclusions reached by the Warren Commission panel were conclusions based on the hard, solid, and verifiable facts and evidence surrounding the November 1963 assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy.
Conspiracy fans enjoy tearing down and stomping all over Chief Justice Earl Warren's commission and its single-assassin "It Was Lee Harvey Oswald" final declaration, but no matter how much foot-stomping the Conspiracy Brigade engages in, it won't create any hard, physical evidence to back up the notion that Warren's seven-member commission was dead wrong regarding the President's murder.
The Warren Commission Report is, in my opinion, a remarkably detailed (but at the same time very readable) piece of work, which was put together in a fairly short period of time, between early December 1963 and September 1964.
And when considering the very large amount of material that they had to wade through, and the many, many witnesses that needed to be questioned, it's my view that the Warren Commission did a very good job in just the 10-month time frame they were allotted. In total, 552 witnesses were interviewed.
The cold hard fact of the matter is this (despite what conspiracists want to believe) --- Only two bullets (both fired from Oswald's rifle to the exclusion of every weapon on the planet) have ever been connected to the JFK assassination case. Not a single other bullet or bullet fragment or bullet shell was entered into the official record of the Kennedy murder investigation. Only bullets from Oswald's Mannlicher-Carcano rifle are part of this case. That's a fact that conspiracy promoters must deal with daily. And the way they "deal" with this solid "solo assassin" evidence is by simply inventing additional theories and hidden killers and mystery "cover-up" operatives, in order to confuse the issue surrounding the President's killing.
And it's double the "conspiracy talk" nonsense when we factor in the junk that conspiracy promoters invent when it comes to the second murder that Lee Oswald unquestionably committed on November 22, 1963 -- that being the cold-blooded slaying of Dallas police officer J.D. Tippit. Many conspiracists want that murder, too, to be the result of a vast conspiracy involving covert cover-up agents and secretive plotters. And that is just simply ignorant, because Oswald killed Tippit without a sliver of a doubt. And anyone who has studied the evidence and witness testimony involved in the Tippit murder cannot possibly (and realistically) think Oswald was an innocent bystander in that crime too.
Everyone should read the very straight-forward Warren Commission Final Report (issued for all of America to read in late September of 1964). It gets to the crux of the President's murder (and Officer Tippit's as well). And the weight of the evidence in these murders does not leave much room for conspiracy....and certainly no room whatsoever, with respect to Kennedy's killing specifically, for the kind of massive 3- or 4-gunmen, 5-to-10-shot nonsense that has been dished up by some pro-conspiracy authors since JFK's death.
To believe in one of those "enormous-number-of-shots-fired" assassination scenarios, you're going to have to toss all common sense out the nearest window (along with just about every scrap of physical evidence associated with the entire Kennedy case).
In my opinion, the Warren Commission could have actually strengthened their language even more in parts of their Final Report....such as within the "Conclusion" paragraph that appears on Page 117 of the Warren Report. The Commission decided it was best to put the word "probably" in the Final Report a few times when assessing their conclusions about certain aspects of the case. Such as: "Two bullets probably caused all the wounds suffered by President Kennedy and Governor Connally".
But, in reality, there's no "probably" about it. Two bullets DID cause all the injuries sustained by the two victims on 11/22/1963. There's little to no doubt about that fact.
Any person who says that more than two bullets struck anyone in President Kennedy's limousine is doing so without a single piece of credible, hard, verifiable evidence to back up such claims of more than two bullets injuring the victims.
Because -- If more than two bullets hit anyone in that vehicle, then it's an undeniable fact that every single piece of every single bullet not coming from Oswald's #C2766 Mannlicher-Carcano rifle was conveniently "lost", or somehow inexplicably "disappeared" (at the behest of either Barbara Eden's crossed arms or an Elizabeth Montgomery-type nose twitch), or was deliberately swept under the carpet by XX number of unknown after-the-shooting conspirators for the sole purpose of promoting a one-shooter assassination scenario.
Is that likely? Even remotely so?
To a large number of conspiracy theorists, yes, it's likely. But in the real world of sunrises, sunsets, and windy conditions in Chicago....no, it's not likely (nor the slightest bit realistic on the "Doable Without Getting Caught" meter).
Could such a wide-scale "Hide All The Bullets" campaign (covering TWO victims, including a man who wasn't the intended target, Texas Governor John B. Connally) have been under way immediately upon JFK and Connally being wheeled into Parkland Hospital?
The two victims were seen by literally dozens of ordinary doctors and nurses who cannot possibly all be implicated in a secret and nefarious "plot" of some kind -- a plot where they'd all have a desire to start hiding physical evidence of multiple assassins so that they can, instead, frame a person they've never even heard of (some total stranger named Oswald).
Such a silly theory, which has every unwanted bullet magically disappearing from view instantaneously on 11/22/63, is too ridiculous to be believed. And it's remarkable how anybody can actually muster up enough gullibility to believe such a thing for more than two seconds.
The physical evidence surrounding President Kennedy's assassination that supports just one shooter by the name of Lee Harvey Oswald is too overpowering to merely be arbitrarily tossed into the trash can. And doubting (or denying) the veracity of ALL of this evidence, sans proof of a large amount of foul play, is merely the cowardly act of hardened conspiracy buffs who simply cannot face the raw fact that the physical evidence in this case hangs Mr. Oswald as surely as the Pope is Catholic.
David Von Pein
February 2006