>>> "You CAN'T prove [Oswald] made a bag, where he made a bag or when he made a bag, yet you think he had a bag. This is NOT how a court of law works if you want a conviction." <<<
1.) Lee Harvey Oswald is seen with a brown bag (filled with something kind of "bulky", per Linnie Mae Randle) on the morning of 11/22/63.
2.) An empty brown bag with Lee Oswald's prints on it is found in the Sniper's Nest (from where an Oswald-like person was shooting a gun).
3.) No such bag is found among Oswald's possessions at his Beckley Avenue roominghouse....or anywhere else.
4.) Lee Oswald's rifle turns up missing from Ruth Paine's garage on 11/22/63.
5.) And that same rifle turns up--Voila!--on the same sixth floor of the TSBD where the EMPTY PAPER BAG WITH OSWALD'S PRINTS was found.
To an ABO [Anybody But Oz] kook, the above points lead to Oswald NOT taking ANY large bag into the TSBD on November 22nd.
But to a reasonable person, this "puzzle" couldn't be easier to solve -- Oswald took his own rifle into his own workplace wrapped up in a brown paper package on the morning of the 22nd of November.
Conspiracy-happy people prefer to over-complicate things that are, in reality, extremely easy to figure out. The kooks are constantly doing this with respect to both murders that Lee Oswald so obviously committed in Dallas, in order to pretend that LHO was innocent of BOTH crimes (which couldn't be a more ludicrous position to take, of course).
Take Walt's incredibly insane "Brennan Saw A West-End Shooter" nonsense as a prime example of "over-complicating" (plus "skewing", "mangling", and "fucking up" the actual words of witnesses and the actual evidence, which Walt and other assorted kooks are also excellent at doing).
David Von Pein
April 28, 2008