>>> "[Jim Garrison] did more than anyone to discover evidence of conspiracy and the connection to [David] Ferrie and [Guy] Banister and perhaps [Clay] Shaw." <<<
Except for the fact that none of those men (Ferrie, Banister, Shaw) was involved in any way in any plot to murder John Kennedy. And you'll never be able to prove any of them were guilty of such conspiratorial plotting.
Will you now, Robert?
>>> "He [King Kook Garrison] was also wrong about some things, which we know now, with benefit of hindsight." <<<
Yeah, like thinking that Ferrie, Banister, and Shaw were part of some devious plot to kill JFK.
>>> "But the bottom line here is that you have NO--that is ZERO--justification for dismissing the possibility of a shot from the storm drain. Correct David?" <<<
Except for the things I mentioned previously:
1.) Not a single person in Dealey Plaza ran up to a cop or anyone else and claimed to hear a shot from any storm drain. Nor did any witness (that I'm aware of) say anything about the possibility of any "storm drain sniper" in their Warren Commission testimony, or any affidavit.
2.) Nobody but Oswald and Oswald's bullets hit any victims.
3.) Placing a killer in the storm drain within a pre-arranged "Let's Frame LHO" plot is just...well...idiotic. Period.
And let's face it -- most of the kooks around here believe that Oswald was indeed being "set up" well in advance of Nov. 22. Don't you, Bob? If so, you can't possibly believe that any Grand Poobah of Frame-Ups would be stupid enough to put ANY shooters to the FRONT of the President while attempting to frame ONLY Oswald from behind the limo.
You're left with naked speculation and guesswork, Bob. (As always.)
David Von Pein
February 2008