In 2009, The History Channel (A&E) produced and aired the outstanding three-hour documentary "JFK: 3 Shots That Changed America", which provides viewers with an "as it happened" look at the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and its aftermath via an abundance of news footage from that infamous weekend in November of 1963.
This program's material has been assembled in chronological order, without narration, and much of this television and film footage has been cleaned up and restored to crystal-clear quality. And, as far as I am aware, some of this material has never been shown on television before.
Strangely, however, there are two pieces of film and videotape that are conspicuous by their absence when watching this program (possibly due to copyright restrictions)—the Zapruder Film and Walter Cronkite's famous "President Kennedy died at 1 PM Central Standard Time" announcement.
Conspiracy theorists who might feel compelled to berate the History Channel for any kind of a "Lone Nut" bias during its two-part 2009 documentary should watch the program again, particularly the last hour of Part 2. Because there is most certainly no shortage of "conspiracy" talk during those sixty minutes of the program.
In fact, in the latter portions of Part 2, the talking heads for the conspiracy point-of-view dominate the documentary almost entirely—from Oliver Stone, to Robert Groden, to Jim Garrison, to Mark Lane, and other conspiracists.
"JFK: 3 Shots That Changed America" debuted on The History Channel on October 11 and 12, 2009. View the full program, in two parts, below....