James DiEugenio said something on Black Op Radio on July 22, 2010, that was so outlandish and preposterous and ridiculous that it's even "over the top" craziness for Jim "Oswald Shot Nobody" DiEugenio. (Although Jim can always blame the source of the claptrap--Bill Davy.)
Jim D. claimed (via Davy) that the Warren Commission chairman himself--Chief Justice Earl Warren--made the statement that the WC was just a "whitewash" and that he (Warren himself) was "ashamed of what the Commission had done".
Quoting DiEugenio from 7/22/10:
"Even Earl Warren later admitted, at a conference in Florida, that he was actually ashamed of what the Commission had done. He said the whole proceeding was a whitewash forced on him by [Lyndon] Johnson. Bill Davy actually revealed that on [Black Op Radio]."
DiEugenio said almost the exact same thing in Part 9 of his "Reclaiming History" book review. Quoting DiEugenio again:
"Even Earl Warren later admitted the truth. According to Bill Davy, Warren appeared at a legal conference in Florida between the time the report was wrapped up and the time it was published. While there, he encountered a friend of his, a federal judge. Warren told him that he was actually ashamed of what he and the Commission had done. He said the whole proceeding was a whitewash forced on him by President Johnson. (Davy on Black Op Radio 12/12/09 [sic; the date of Davy's Black Op appearance was actually 11/12/09])"
Now, to believe that Earl Warren would have actually told somebody (anybody!) that the Commission he had chaired was nothing but a "whitewash forced on him by President Johnson" is just about the equivalent to believing that little green men from Mars are walking around in your front yard at this very moment. It's THAT crazy.
I don't believe for a single second that Earl Warren made any such "whitewash" statement at a legal conference in Florida, or anywhere else on Planet Earth. But Jimmy D. has no problem believing Mr. Davy.
Has DiEugenio completely lost his mind (along with all semblance of critical thinking)?
I wonder.
David Von Pein
July 23, 2010