(PART 312)


>>> "What you are suggesting [HERE] is theoretically possible, but it would be very confusing for the public to understand where to stand and look for the President while the motorcade splits in two." <<<


Only if the press busses were AHEAD of the President's car, which wasn't the case at all (of course).

Or do you think the crowd in Dealey Plaza was waiting breathlessly to get a good look at those 3 busses as they passed by?

Plus: Dealey Plaza was at the very end of the motorcade. The parade was essentially over after Dealey.

Again, to emphasize, this is all meaningless hindsight. I was merely stating my opinion about how, in a make-believe motorcade situation that did not occur on 11/22/63, the three press busses could have very well taken the jog through Dealey, even though the President's car did not.

>>> "I have brought up that problem with the buses myself." <<<

You mean the part I brought up about the busses being able to take a differing route from the President's? I've never once heard anyone talk about any such thing...be it CTer or LNer.

>>> "But you would still have to close off the side streets and control
the crowds running across Houston to see the President going down
Main." <<<


>>> "Maybe you missed the first hundred times I mentioned the problem of the buses." <<<

Reprise: You mean the part about the busses being able to take a differing route from the President's? I've never once heard anyone talk about any such thing...be it CTer or LNer.

So, yeah, I guess I did manage to miss those 100 previous "bus" posts.

>>> "Well, was there or was there not a rule against such a slow turn [such as the Houston-to-Elm hairpin]?" <<<

What difference does it make? The Secret Service did it anyway. Just like they allowed JFK's car to stop multiple times on Main Street amongst the thick crowds of spectators, with tall buildings (with windows open wide, no doubt) located on both sides of Kennedy's halted vehicle....even though that particular activity is also probably strictly prohibited (per the USSS manual).

>>> "Spell Check: traveling - buses." <<<

Nope. You're wrong there. My alternate spelling of both of those words is perfectly legitimate and acceptable, as verified HERE and HERE. Buy a Webster's volume sometime, Tony.

David Von Pein
August 28, 2008