Part 1384 of my "JFK Assassination Arguments" series includes a variety of my posts and comments covering the period of January 1—31, 2025. To read the entire forum discussion from which my own comments have been extracted, click on the "Full Discussion" logo at the bottom of each individual segment.
I recently came across this Associated Press newspaper article, published on November 24, 1964, exactly one year after Lee Harvey Oswald was murdered by Jack Ruby. Click for a slightly bigger view:
David Von Pein
January 1, 2025
That's not true at all. Buell Wesley Frazier never needed to say a word to anyone about Lee Oswald looking for a job.
Oswald would have gotten hired by Roy Truly even if Frazier hadn't talked to Bill Shelley at all. And that's because the whole chain of events that led up to Oswald being hired at the Depository started with the coffee klatch at Dorothy Roberts' house in Irving on October 14th, 1963. When the subject of LHO's looking for work came up, it was Linnie Mae Randle who mentioned that her brother, Buell, had recently been hired at the TSBD and that there might be another job available there (but she didn't know for sure that they were hiring at that time).
And then it was Marina who pressed Ruth Paine to call the Depository on that very same day (Oct. 14) to inquire about a possible job opening. Ruth, of course, did make that call to Roy Truly, and Truly told Ruth to have Lee come on in and apply for a job. When Lee called the Paine house that night, Marina told Lee about the situation and Lee, of course, did indeed go to the Book Depository the next day (Oct. 15) and was hired by Mr. Truly.
And all of that would most certainly still have occurred even if Buell Frazier hadn't talked to William Shelley. In fact, now that I think about the timing of these events more closely, I can't see how Buell could have possibly played any role at all in helping Lee Oswald get his TSBD job. The coffee klatch was on Oct. 14 (when Buell was, I would assume, already at work at the Depository). Ruth made her phone call to Truly sometime later that day (Oct. 14). Lee was told later that same night about Ruth's call to the TSBD. Lee then goes to the TSBD the very next day (morning?) and is hired by Roy Truly.
So where is there any time at all for any intervention by Buell Frazier in this tight chronology? I sure don't see any. All of this activity is happening within about a short 24-hour period, between the morning of Monday, October 14th and when Oswald was actually hired on Tuesday, October 15th. And I assume that Ruth Paine's call to Roy Truly had already occurred by the time Buell Frazier ever even heard anything at all about Lee Oswald needing a job.
The fact that Buell Frazier was already employed at the TSBD was, however, the thing that got the ball rolling toward LHO's Depository job. No doubt about that. Because if Buell had not already had his Depository job on October 14th, then the location of the "Texas School Book Depository" as a possible place for Lee Oswald to gain employment would have never surfaced during the coffee klatch at Dorothy Roberts' house on 10/14/63.
But, given the tight "October 14 and 15 only" timeline for these events, I sure don't see any way at all for Buell Frazier to have been influential in Roy Truly's decision to hire Lee Oswald at the Depository.
Yes, I'll admit that is certainly a possibility. Linnie Mae Randle's Warren Commission testimony is a bit vague as to whether she ever talked to Buell about LHO's lack of employment prior to October 14th. But Linnie Mae did say this in her testimony:
MR. BALL -- "Was there some conversation at that time about her husband Lee Oswald?"
MRS. RANDLE -- " was just general knowledge in the neighborhood that he didn't have a job and she was expecting a baby."
FWIW, I'll also add this relatively meaningless fact into the "Randle/Frazier/Oswald/TSBD Job" mix:
As of October 14th, 1963, the Oswalds had only been back in Dallas for a short time. The pregnant Marina returned to Irving with Mrs. Paine on September 24th, and Lee came back to the Dallas area on October 3rd after his sojourn to Mexico City.
So, if in fact there was any "general knowledge in the neighborhood" on 5th Street in Irving regarding Lee Oswald's unemployment status, it was knowledge that had to have been gleaned by the "neighborhood" within 20 days (or less) of the Oswalds returning to the Dallas area.
And if such "general knowledge" had been obtained only after Lee Oswald returned to Dallas/Irving, then it would have been info that was only 11 days old (at most), as of Oct. 14.
Not impossible, no. But that seems pretty fast to me. But YMMV. Nosy neighbors perhaps? I don't know. Could be. But it could also be that when Linnie Mae Randle said there was "general knowledge in the neighborhood" concerning the two complete strangers who were seen (at times) at Ruth Paine's address, Mrs. Randle really meant to convey that such "general knowledge" was confined to just three houses on the block—Dorothy Roberts', Ruth's, and Linnie Mae's.
"Any reasonable person can obviously see how utterly impossible it is to "connect" all of these unconnected threads of SHEER HAPPENSTANCE regarding [Ruth] Paine, [Roy] Truly, [Buell] Frazier, and [Linnie] Randle in order to weave the magical type of "Oswald Was Planted In The TSBD" plot that conspiracists imagine took place. But just because nobody has yet been able to come close to weaving that magic carpet of conspiracy involving all of those innocent people (like Frazier, Paine, and Truly), it won't stop conspiracy theorists from pretending that a massive pre-assassination "plot" involving those very people really did occur in 1963." -- DVP; July 1, 2008
http://DVP's JFK Archives/Was Oswald Planted In The TSBD?
David Von Pein
January 1, 2025