(PART 888)


You've seen pictures of that so called "Sniper's Nest"....IF IF those shells [had] struck the boxes they would have hit the north/south face of the upper box and bounced right back at the shooter or they could have ended up along the EAST wall. They would NOT have ended up under the south facing window.


It looks like Walt The Super-Kook wants to totally disregard some additional Warren Commission expert testimony (from the FBI's Robert A. Frazier this time).

Beginning at 3 H 401, Frazier talks about the tests that the FBI performed in order to illustrate "the positions on the floor at which cartridge cases landed after being extracted and ejected from the rifle, Commission's Exhibit 139." [Frazier's quote, at 3 H 401.]

To further illustrate the ejection pattern of the tested cartridge cases, diagrams and charts were drawn up by a draftsman and the diagrams were entered as Warren Commission exhibits 546 and 547.

[Warren Commission Testimony:]

MELVIN EISENBERG -- "Mr. Chairman, may I introduce these diagrams as Commission Exhibits Nos. 546 and 547?"

JOHN McCLOY -- "They may be admitted."

MR. EISENBERG -- "Could you give us the results of your tests by using these diagrams, Mr. Frazier?"

ROBERT FRAZIER -- "Yes, sir. In this test, Commission Exhibit 546, the diagram illustrates the positions on the floor at which cartridge cases landed after being extracted and ejected from the rifle, Commission's Exhibit 139.

In the top portion of Exhibit 546, the barrel was held depressed at a 45-degree angle, and in the lower half of the exhibit it shows the pattern with the barrel held in a horizontal position. Each spot marked with a figure on the diagram shows where one cartridge case landed in both instances, and each one is marked with the distance and the angle to which the cartridge case was ejected.

With the barrel held in the depressed condition, all of the cartridge cases landed within an 85-inch circle located 80 degrees to the right front of the rifle. That may be confusing. It was 80 degrees to the right from the line of sight of the rifle and at a distance of 86 inches from the ejection port.

Now, this circle will not necessarily encompass all cartridge cases ejected from the rifle, since the ejection is determined not only by the angle of the weapon, but more by the force with which the bolt is operated. A very light force on the bolt can cause the cartridge case to tip gently out and fall at your feet. However, under normal conditions of reloading in a fairly rapid manner, we found the cartridge cases to land in this circle.

The same situation is true of the test made with the muzzle in the horizontal condition. All of the cartridge cases landed within a 47-inch circle, which was located at right angles to the ejection port, or 90 degrees from the line of sight, and at a distance 80 inches from the ejection port. In both of these tests, the ejection port of the weapon was held 32 inches above the floor.

In the second test performed, Commission Exhibit 547, the test was made to ascertain how high above the ejection port a cartridge case would fly as it was being ejected. After ejecting numerous cartridge cases from the weapon with the barrel held in a depressed condition, it was found that the cartridge cases did not exceed two inches above the level of the ejection port. And with the muzzle held horizontally, it did not exceed 12 inches above the level of the ejection port."

[And then, at 3 H 402, Robert Frazier tells the Warren Commission something that completely destroys Walt's theory about the location of the bullet shells in the Sniper's Nest...]

MR. EISENBERG -- "I now hand you three Commission Exhibits, 510, 511, and 512, which are photographs which have been identified as giving the location of the cartridges--cartridge cases--Nos. 543, 544, and 545, on the sixth floor of the School Book Depository Building. I ask you to examine these pictures, and to determine whether if the rifle had been fired from the window shown in these pictures, the location of the cartridge cases is consistent with the results of the tests you ran to determine the ejection patterns."

MR. FRAZIER -- "I would say yes; it is consistent--although the cartridge cases are--two of them--against the wall. There is a stack of boxes fairly near the wall, and the position of the cartridge cases could very well have been affected by the boxes. That is, they could strike the box and bounce for several feet, and they could have bounced back and forth in this small area here and come to rest in the areas shown in the photographs."

MR. EISENBERG -- "In making your tests, did you notice much ricochet?"

MR. FRAZIER -- "Yes; considerable. Each time a cartridge case hit the floor, it would bounce anywhere from 8 inches to 10 to 15 feet."

[End WC Testimony.]

So, we have Bob Frazier of the Federal Bureau of Investigation telling the world via his Warren Commission testimony that the location of the ejected rifle shells as seen in the official Dallas Police crime scene photographs is perfectly "CONSISTENT" with the shell-ejection pattern that Frazier observed during his post-assassination tests (which are tests that were performed WITH THE SAME EXACT RIFLE, Oswald's C2766 Mannlicher-Carcano).

Case closed on another stupid theory gushed forth by a conspiracy theorist [Walt Cakebread] who lives strictly by the rigid rules set forth in his own self-published "Anybody But Lee Harvey Oswald" guidebook.

In short, Walt obviously has no desire to accept ANYTHING of an "official" nature regarding this murder case--whether it be from Robert A. Frazier of the FBI, Captain J. Will Fritz of the DPD, Lieutenant J.C. Day of the DPD, Henry Wade of the District Attorney's office, Earl Warren of the Warren Commission, or anybody in-between.


To tell you the truth, I've always thought that the "Shell Ejection Pattern Tests" were altogether unnecessary. But it just goes to show the thoroughness and the depth of the FBI's and the Warren Commission's investigation into the murder of President Kennedy.

I mean, even without those cartridge ejection tests, it couldn't BE more obvious that somebody fired three shots FROM OSWALD'S C2766 MANNLICHER-CARCANO RIFLE out of that sixth-floor Depository window. So the ejection-pattern tests were totally superfluous, IMO.

And there's something else for conspiracy theorists to ask themselves here too---

Would a Presidential Commission or J. Edgar Hoover's FBI have actually gone to the trouble of doing superfluous tests (like those cartridge ejection tests) if the main goal of each of those two organizations (WC and FBI) was to COVER-UP the truth of the assassination in order to pin the whole thing on an innocent man named Oswald?

In my opinion, the answer to that last question has to be a resounding "No".

Those ejection tests are just one more indication (among many) that the Warren Commission and the FBI were leaving no stone unturned in their respective investigations surrounding the murder of the 35th U.S. President.

David Von Pein
January 2, 2010