(PART 1322)


It seems to me that after JFK was pronounced dead and the ER team had left the room, it would have taken quite a while for the body to be cleaned up and a casket to arrive before the body could be taken off the gurney and placed in the casket. So even if Tomlinson's estimate is off, the bullet he found could not have come from JFK's body. There will still be those who argue CE399 was planted, but this fact pretty much is the death knell for the theory that the bullet fell out of JFK's back.


From 2007....

"JFK's stretcher was never located in the area of Parkland Hospital where the bullet was found by [Darrell] Tomlinson. Never. Nor was JFK's body ever in that area down the hall from Trauma Room 1.

Kennedy remained in ER-1 the whole time he was in Parkland. So it is physically impossible for any bullet from Kennedy's stretcher to magically appear down the hall.

And if you think the bullet was picked up in Trauma Room No. 1 and then deposited on a stretcher down the hall...ask yourself: What the [heck] for??!!

Why on Earth would anyone even have the slightest desire to do something stupid like that? If there was actually a REAL bullet from LHO's gun that fell out of Kennedy's back (which there wasn't of course, I'm merely playing the silly "conspiracy theory" game for a moment here), then why would anybody bent on framing Oswald want to tamper with such great evidence that was already right THERE near Kennedy's own body and on HIS stretcher, in order to place it on a different stretcher down the hall? That's just nuts all around.

Plus: Even if some moron plotter thought it was a good idea to move the bullet, why plant it on the WRONG stretcher down the hall...or even on Connally's own stretcher? Why not plant it IN THE LIMO WHERE JFK WAS SHOT (which would nicely accompany CE567 and CE569, the fragments also from Rifle #C2766)?

Did any of the so-called "plotters" have a working brain on November 22nd?"

-- David Von Pein; December 4, 2007


David, you're being far too logical.


David: I agree with nearly all of this except for this part:

"If there was actually a REAL bullet from LHO's gun that fell out of Kennedy's back (which there wasn't of course, I'm merely playing the silly "conspiracy theory" game for a moment here), then why would anybody bent on framing Oswald want to tamper with such great evidence that was already right THERE near Kennedy's own body and on HIS stretcher, in order to place it on a different stretcher down the hall? That's just nuts all around."

If the bullet that hit JFK in the back did fall out (it didn't but let's go with this) then JFK's throat/neck wound was caused by a separate bullet. I.e., another shooter. That indicates conspiracy.

So the conspiracists [sic; conspirators] would want to hide that "fallen out" bullet to prevent exposure of another shooter. Or have him placed with JC's [John Connally's] stretcher to point to a single bullet causing both JFK's and JC's wounds.

Shorter: there would be an incentive to hide that bullet from being traced to JFK. Since it could only be traced to him and not also to JC.


Which would mean that the person who (allegedly) transported the bullet down the hall must have had knowledge of the bullet hole in JFK's throat before the bullet was moved. And that bullet hole in the throat was almost immediately obliterated via the tracheotomy done by Dr. Perry.

So that means we would need to find out exactly who had access to Trauma Room No. 1 in the very first minutes after JFK was brought into the hospital. (And even most CTers don't think that one of Kennedy's doctors was trying to frame Oswald. So it must be a non-doctor who did the alleged transporting of the bullet in this make-believe scenario.)

But most CTers don't want to be bothered with the "Who Knew What--And When?" details. They just go right to "The Bullet Was Definitely Planted On The Stretcher".


If not for CE 399 there would be nothing to link it to Oswald.


Not true. There are other ballistics items linking the shooting to Oswald --- e.g., the 3 bullet shells in the Sniper's Nest and the 2 large bullet fragments in the front seat of the limo.

But from the perspective of an alleged conspiracy and cover-up, we again need to ask --- WHO KNEW WHAT? AND WHEN DID THEY KNOW IT?


I think that's kinda a tipoff that it's planted when it's found on the WRONG stretcher.


You need to study Darrell Tomlinson's ever-changing statements regarding the stretchers again....


OK, how would Ruby know it was the wrong stretcher? If you are a dedicated conspiracy kook, you could say that the bullet started on JFK's stretcher and got bumped onto Ronnie Fuller's stretcher when the two stretchers were next to each other in the elevator.


Not even the most dedicated CTer could use such an argument.

Why not?

Because JFK's stretcher was never in an elevator prior to the time when the bullet was first discovered by Tomlinson. Kennedy's stretcher was always on the first floor during that critical time period.

David Von Pein
July 2-3, 2019