If a bullet (entering President Kennedy's head from behind) didn't cause this forward movement of JFK's head between Zapruder Film frames Z312 and Z313, what did cause it?:
The limo suddenly slowing down as Alvarez found.
We've been over this hundreds of times, but you never pay attention.
Oh, sure. That massive and violent "slow down" from 11.2 MPH (approx.) to 8 MPH (approx.) was enough to practically throw every limo occupant through the windshield, I'm sure!
It's a wonder everybody in the car wasn't killed as a result of Bill Greer's sudden 11 MPH to 8 MPH braking action!
I ask -- Can conspiracy theorists get much sillier than this with respect to their incredibly inane attempts to avoid the obvious?
So, what do you think caused all the other passengers to move forward between frames Z-312 and Z-313? Do you think they were all simultaneously shot from behind?
How do YOU explain the fact that everyone in the limo was moving forward? You can't see the obvious?
Yeah, right...it just so happens that President Kennedy's head is exploding and moving rapidly forward at the exact INSTANT he was hit in the head with the assassin's bullet....but some CTers want to think that the BULLET striking Kennedy WASN'T the cause of the rapid forward movement of Kennedy's head between Z312 and Z313.
Now THAT'S true-blue denial, kids. And a really bad case of it, too.
Can you just hear the defense attorney trying to get a jury to swallow this nonsense? It'd be a scream. Let's listen in to a sample of it:
“Ladies and gentlemen of the jury....we all know that President Kennedy was shot in the head at Zapruder frame #313...and we can easily see his head moving very rapidly FORWARD between frames 312 and 313 (i.e., the exact INSTANT that JFK is hit in the head with a bullet)...we all know this...but we here on the defense side of the courtroom want you 12 good men and women of the jury to believe that something ELSE caused John Kennedy's head to snap forward very rapidly at the EXACT SAME ONE-EIGHTEENTH OF A SECOND when he was ALSO being hit in the head with a rifle bullet....and we think you jurors should seriously consider this 'strawman' argument I'm going to introduce to you now....
And that strawman is this -- It wasn't the assassin's bullet that caused the forward movement of John Kennedy's head. It was, instead, the automobile's SLOWING DOWN from 11 or so MPH to about 8 MPH that caused JFK's head to pitch forward very quickly between Z312 and Z313! That's obvious, isn't it?!
Forget about that bullet hitting him at that EXACT SAME 1/18th of a second! That's unimportant here! The important thing to remember, ladies and gentlemen, is this -- We MUST find ways (any way will do!) to AVOID THE OBVIOUSNESS OF WHAT WE SEE IN THE ZAPRUDER FILM! And we also must (at all costs!) avoid soiling the skirts of the defendant, Lee H. Oswald!
Because ANY evidence that leads toward the notion that the defendant in this case could have possibly fired the shots that killed John F. Kennedy MUST be automatically turned on its head, and such evidence MUST always be considered faulty in some manner -- just like this "head going forward" business.
Sure, his head moves forward at the EXACT INSTANT he's being killed with a rifle bullet! But that doesn't have to mean that the BULLET caused that forward head snap AT THAT EXACT SAME INSTANT, does it? Of course it doesn't!
Rule 1A applies in this courtroom of silliness, ladies and gentlemen....and that rule is this --- THERE'S NO ROOM FOR OCCAM'S RAZOR WHEN IT COMES TO THE INVESTIGATION OF THE ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY!
Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. .... We'll now need a 5-minute bathroom break, Your Honorable Judge Ito....because I can see that jurors #3 and #10 are about to split a gut with laughter, and their bladders are also notoriously weak ones.” -- JOHNNIE COCHRAN, ESQ.
David Von Pein
April 1-4, 2009
I find it interesting that this topic of "JFK's Forward Head Movement" has spawned two decidedly different sets of "Denialists" from the "CTer" side of the table over the years.
First, there's the "Everybody's Head Moved Forward Because Of The Slowing Down Of The Limo" deniers (like Anthony Marsh).
And then we've got the other set of Deniers, who insist that the forward movement of Kennedy's cranium at Z313 was caused by a "blur" or a "smear" in the Zapruder film. [See my 2018 post reprinted below.]
So, once again, JFK conspiracy theorists can't even agree amongst themselves as to which type of "Denial" they'd prefer to accept.
(Reminds me of the Single-Bullet Theory.)
From May 2018....
The whole thing about the 1-2 frame forward movement was misrepresented by DVP and Ayton in their book.
[Josiah] Thompson was the first guy to write about it. But he was not the first guy to point it out. That was Ray Marcus, and Thompson would admit that as the case. In other words, it was the critics who first pointed out that almost undetectable forward bob.
DiEugenio is, as usual, dead wrong. This topic was not "misrepresented" by Mel Ayton or myself in our book at all. Jimmy just doesn't want to believe the Itek Corporation's findings, that's all.
And to think that the forward motion of JFK's head at Z313 is ONLY being caused by the "blur" [or a "smear"] in the film is another example of "Ultimate CTer Denial In Action" --- especially since we know (and can SEE) that the President is being hit in the head WITH A BULLET at that exact moment in time on the Zapruder Film!
And yet, even though we know a high-speed bullet is definitely crashing into his skull at that EXACT instant, I'm supposed to believe that the ONLY thing that is causing the apparent "forward movement" of Kennedy's head is the "blur"???
Jim and Josiah are too funny for words!
Von Pein and Ayton misrepresented this issue in two ways.
First, they tried to insinuate that this bob forward was somehow ignored by the critical community. What a bunch of malarkey. Thompson's book was on the cover of the Saturday Evening Post. It had a large impact and sold well. Second, they ignored Thompson's later discoveries with physicist Art Snyder about the smear on the film. I don't know if Davey is deliberately ignoring this, or if he just does not understand it. I actually think it's both.
Just keep looking at this super-slo-mo clip over and over a few times....
....And then try to convince yourself that the obvious forward motion of President Kennedy's head that you are seeing is being caused ONLY by a "smear" in the film. Good luck in convincing yourself of that fairy tale.
Well, again I ask and you are too much of a coward to answer:
What caused the other passengers to move forward?
Nobody's head in that car moves forward violently and sharply the way JFK's head does at Z313. And you damn well know that fact. ONLY Kennedy's head does that. And we know he's being hit WITH A BULLET at that EXACT instant in time.
Doesn't that strike the "Limo Slowdown" Denialists as a rather amazing coincidence? Or is it even a coincidence AT ALL to those "LSD" members? If not, why not?
Or, to throw your own words that you tossed at me right back at you --- Are you "too much of a coward to answer" my last question truthfully (and logically), Tony?
And again Mr Straw Man, I never said they did. You can't even admit that they moved at all.
OK. Good. Now we're getting somewhere.
So you will readily admit that President Kennedy's head in Z-Film frames 312 and 313 was UNIQUE and DIFFERENT in its movement when compared to all of the other five occupants of the limousine....correct?
[Anthony's response to my above inquiry has been --- dead silence.]
David Von Pein
April 24-28, 2019