Even you must know about Kellerman's "flurry of shells" that came into the car, at exactly the instant that he was ducking and shielding his ear with his right hand.
Don't tell me this is my [expletive] imagination.
The problem here is not imagination, it is stonewall denial.
If a flurry of shells was coming into the car, why didn't they find a flurry of bullets?
Roy Kellerman's "flurry of shells [came] into the car" testimony can easily be reconciled within the "lone assassin" scenario: Kellerman merely heard the effects of the bullet that hit President Kennedy in the head (a bullet that was fired, of course, from the 6th Floor of the TSBD by Lee Oswald).
Kellerman undoubtedly heard the two bullet fragments [CE567 and CE569] striking the chrome topping and the windshield of the limousine. Kellerman was sitting right next to this activity in the front of the car, and to him it sounded like a "flurry of shells" or "flurry of shots" coming into the car. (Kellerman said both of those things--"flurry of shells" and "flurry of shots"--during his Warren Commission testimony.)
It makes total sense that Kellerman would, indeed, have possibly thought a "flurry of shells" or a "flurry of shots" (i.e., more than one "shell" or "shot") came "into the car".
What would ANY of us have thought if we had heard what Roy Kellerman heard while sitting right next to the places where bullet fragments were clanking against the front parts of the automobile during the period of time when bullets were flying around Dealey Plaza?
Would you have thought the clanking of bullets in the front part of the car was merely the result of bullet FRAGMENTS striking the automobile?
Or would you possibly have thought that multiple ADDITIONAL bullets (or "shells") were being fired into the car?
If it were me, I think I'd probably be inclined to think the latter.
Secret Service Agent Roy H. Kellerman is an excellent "lone gunman" type of witness overall, btw.
Naturally, the conspiracy clowns of the world want to twist and mangle Kellerman's words to fit their preconceived ideas of a multi-gun conspiracy. And the kooks try to do the exact same thing with other assassination witnesses as well, with Lee Bowers being a good example.
Bowers is actually a very good "lone assassin" witness overall, despite the conspiracy theorists' constant attempts to turn him into a witness who saw somebody murdering the President from the Grassy Knoll.
David Von Pein
June 2, 2009