The scalp stretching theory is one that, as far-fetched as it sounds, must be accepted by anyone who believes the bullet entered where Humes said it did.
There's the rub -- the entry wound wasn't near the EOP. It was near the cowlick ("100 millimeters [10 cm.] above the EOP", per the Clark Panel).
All researchers who possess at least one functioning eyeball can come to only one reasonable and logical conclusion about the entry-wound location -- it was high on JFK's head, near the cowlick.
How do you explain how all three autopsy doctors who were actually examining the body real time and not just in photographs could miss the obvious wound and think a dab of tissue near the hairline was an entrance wound?
This should be fun. Go ahead.
The autopsy surgeons didn't "miss" the wound, Tony. On November 22nd, those doctors obviously saw the entry wound just EXACTLY where we know it was located (via the photographs AND X-rays) -- high on the head near the cowlick, 10 centimeters above the EOP.
But, for some silly reason, Humes (et al) decided to NOT measure the cowlick entry wound from any body landmark. Instead, Humes writes "slightly above the external occipital protuberance" in the autopsy report. That was mistake #1.
Also -- "Slightly above the EOP" obviously means that all three autopsists were crocked when they all later claimed that the piece of dried brain tissue near the hairline was the location of the bullet's entry hole. That was mistake #2.
Based on such obvious silliness (regarding the location of the head entry wound) on the part of Humes, Finck, and Boswell when they testified in front of the various Governmental organizations in the years that followed the assassination, I'm of the opinion that the answer to this "4-inch discrepancy" regarding the exact location of the entry wound in President Kennedy's head is a fairly simple one:
The autopsy doctors just didn't want to admit that they had made a mistake about the location of the entry wound. That was mistake #3.
And the photos and X-rays (in tandem!) provide ample proof that the autopsy doctors definitely DID make a mistake.
Plus, it's possible that Dr. Humes was also embarrassed (as he should have been) about not measuring the head entry wound from a fixed landmark on JFK's body. Instead, we're left with the very meager description of "slightly above the EOP". That's ridiculous.
However, I will add the fact that Dr. Humes actually did come to his senses for a brief period of time in 1978 when he changed his mind in front of the HSCA, with Humes saying that the cowlick "red spot" was, indeed, the entrance perforation [see 1 HSCA 327].
So, in the final analysis, the three autopsy doctors (quite obviously) saw the one and only bullet entry hole in JFK's head on 11/22/63 (which was positively located in the cowlick region of the head), but for one reason or another those three physicians were compelled to give an incorrect location for that head entry wound whenever they spoke about President Kennedy's autopsy "on the record" (except for Humes' reversal in 1978, as I mentioned).
A picture speaks a thousand words (and debunks three autopsy surgeons, to boot):

David Von Pein
May 17, 2009