Book Details:
Length: 480 pages
Publisher: Trine Day (November 1, 2009)
Language: English Sales Rank [as of 1:00 AM EDT, 06/21/09]: #238,161 in Books
Purchase Link
Book Description:
Judyth Vary was once a promising science student who dreamed of finding a cure for cancer; this exposé is her account of how she strayed from a path of mainstream scholarship at the University of Florida to a life of espionage in New Orleans with Lee Harvey Oswald. In her narrative she offers extensive documentation on how she came to be a cancer expert at such a young age, the personalities who urged her to relocate to New Orleans, and what lead to her involvement in the development of a biological weapon that Oswald was to smuggle into Cuba to eliminate Fidel Castro. Details on what she knew of Kennedy’s impending assassination, her conversations with Oswald as late as two days before the killing, and her belief that Oswald was a deep-cover intelligence agent who was framed for an assassination he was actually trying to prevent, are also revealed.
Oh, good Lord. Another installment in "The Judyth Fables" is nearly upon us. Does the nonsense from this woman ever end?
Even the title is screwed up (grammatically). It should be "Lee & I". But I guess the rhyming words ("Me" and "Lee") are considered to be more necessary by the author than proper grammar. I'd sure hate to be the author of a book with such a grammatically incorrect title, though.
Is anyone here really going to wade through another 480 pages of Judyth Vary Baker's fantasies [and apparently a later edition has 624 pages]? Oh, the horror of it.
How on Earth that woman named Judyth was able to get THREE of her "OSWALD WANTED TO SAVE THE PRESIDENT!" books published is a bigger mystery than the JFK assassination ever was. Unbelievable! [And now a fourth.]
"The story Judyth [Vary Baker] came up with was so fraudulent on its face that even most conspiracy theorists have ganged up on her to debunk it.
Judyth's story started when she saw Oliver Stone's fantasy film 'JFK' in 1998 and decided she had an even bigger fantasy story to tell, partially through the technique of "recovered" memory. And as with so many of the fantastic tales told by nuts in the assassination saga, there's some small kernel of truth on which she built her fable: the fact that for a short period in the late spring and summer of 1963, she may have worked for the same company in New Orleans that Oswald did, William B. Reily and Company, Inc.
Before she got her job there, Judyth...was on the fast track to a bright and promising future flipping hamburgers at a small White Castle chain restaurant in New Orleans. But because Judyth had shown promise [in high school]...for her amateur work on cancer research...she says she was recruited...into a clandestine project funded by the CIA and Mafia: developing a bioweapon with which to kill Fidel Castro.
It was around this time that she met and fell hopelessly in love with Lee Harvey Oswald, who became a part of the project and with whom she had a torrid sexual affair. In an amusing footnote to the affair, Judyth said that their feelings for each other got "out of control," and they "were so desperate we even slept together in a red van that was being overhauled in Adrian Alba's garage."
But she said that when Clay Shaw learned about their lack of money forcing them to make love in such places, he felt sorry for them and started paying for their trysts at nice hotels in the city.
Just how does Judyth say she came by her knowledge? She claims she either personally met conspiracy icons like Jack Ruby, David Ferrie, Carlos Marcello, Clay Shaw, Guy Banister, et cetera, or Lee told her about them during pillow talk. So the remarkable 20-year-old, in just a few months, had more contact in New Orleans with the leading figures of conspiracy lore than perhaps any other known figure in the conspiracy community. I, for one, find this to be perfectly reasonable. [LOL]
Judyth claims the National Enquirer offered her $600,000 for her story (an amount the publisher might offer if Jesus returned and his agent promised an exclusive), but Judyth apparently wasn't interested. Only British producer Nigel Turner, who has made a fortune peddling phony stories, gave Judyth national exposure, devoting a full segment to her on his television show 'The Men Who Killed Kennedy'.
It is an established fact that the CIA did do develop some medical concoction to kill Castro. But what we didn't know until Judyth told us was that the CIA decided to also fund the motley group in New Orleans [consisting of Judyth, Oswald, and David Ferrie].
Judyth Baker has been called a "pathological liar." Although her story is a lie, this might be too harsh an indictment. From what I have read, she sounds more like a sick puppy to me.
If anyone even had the smallest doubt that Judyth is a gold-plated phony, all he or she has to do to remove that doubt is to read (if you can withstand the pain) Baker's book ["Lee Harvey Oswald: The True Story Of The Accused Assassin Of President John F. Kennedy By His Lover"; Volumes 1 and 2].
Baker's book is a total, embarrassing failure. Is there any way to stop Judyth from continuing to propagate her fantasy? Two volumes of nonsense, at this late date, show that the answer to this question is no." -- VINCENT T. BUGLIOSI; PAGES 539-541 & 543-544 OF ENDNOTES IN "RECLAIMING HISTORY: THE ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY" (W.W. Norton & Co.)(c.2007)
With "Me & Lee" [and Baker's 2014 book "David Ferrie"] on the horizon for more gullible throngs of conspiracy theorists to lap up, it looks as if Mr. Bugliosi was 100% right when he said this:
"Is there any way to stop Judyth from continuing to propagate her fantasy? .... The answer to this question is no."
David Von Pein
June 21, 2009
January 26, 2014