When one piece of evidence that favors Lee Harvey Oswald's guilt is
piled atop another, and another, and another....I just was curious as
to how many pieces of individual evidence that show Oswald killed JFK
in 1963 it takes to sway a person away from the notion of conspiracy?
Or, if nothing else, sway that person away from the "Oswald is
completely innocent" claims?
From everything I can see, it's a veritable mountain of "Oswald Is
Guilty" evidence (both circumstantial and physical). And not a single
speck of it has been shown to be refutable with 100% absolute
Does the average researcher just simply ignore all of the evidence that
supports Oswald's lone guilt (and every bit of hard evidence supports
it), or is the idea of "it must have been a conspiracy" so ingrained
into subsequent generations of people since the event took place that
they feel they have no choice BUT to go with the flow and believe the
For I ask --- How could ALL of the following evidence against Oswald
have been either fabricated, planted, distorted, or in some manner
faked?! There's just TOO MUCH stuff here on the "Oswald Did It" table
to ignore! Granted, I'd agree that perhaps one or two of these things
could have been manufactured to set up a patsy. But ALL of these
items?! And complete silence be maintained by the many, many operatives
who must certainly have been involved in the acts themselves and
ensuing 40-year cover-up?!! Common sense (to me) dictates otherwise.
And the "otherwise" leads anybody who isn't prone to cry "Conspiracy!"
at every turn in the road to finally envision the fact that LHO was a
lone nut who DID indeed pull off what the majority of people say
couldn't happen in a million years.
Lee Harvey Oswald murdered President John F. Kennedy without the
assistance of others in November of 1963 in Dallas, Texas, USA.
The evidence against Lee H. Oswald includes these subtle tidbits:
1.) Lee Harvey Oswald owned the rifle found on the 6th Floor of the
TSBD on November 22, 1963.
2.) Oswald owned the handgun that was shown to have been used in the
J.D. Tippit killing.
3.) Oswald was positively identified by witness Howard L. Brennan as
the person firing a rifle at JFK on 11/22/63. .... And to believe that
Brennan was "influenced" by TV and newspaper reports showing Oswald
before Brennan positively IDed LHO -- I'd remind you that Brennan's
INITIAL description of the killer very closely matched Oswald, given to
police within minutes of the shooting (prior to 12:43 PM).
Is this just another in a series of "CT coincidences" that has
Brennan's man in the window closely matching Oswald's description? Yes,
I'll admit, the description was "general" in nature, and could fit
thousands of men in the world. But out of ALL the possible descriptions
he COULD have offered up to describe whom he saw in that SN window
(even "general" descriptions), what description does he give just
minutes after the assassination (well BEFORE he ever laid eyes on Lee
Oswald)? --- He describes a person who COULD INDEED BE LEE HARVEY
Brennan COULD, conceivably, have seen a fat black man, with a beard,
5-feet-2, 200 pounds in that window. ... But, instead, he sees a
slender white male, about 30, 5-feet-10, approx. 165 pounds. That
description isn't a dead-on match for Oswald, no. But it's close enough
so that LHO certainly isn't ELIMINATED from the pack re. this
* = BTW, concerning Brennan's "age" bracket of Oswald (30, or "early
30s") -- IMO, Oswald looked older than just 24. (And he had just turned
24 one month prior to the assassination.) Oswald always seemed much
older than 24 to me, in both looks and demeanor. Possibly, re. his
"looks", Brennan agreed with me on that.
4.) Marina Oswald admits to having taken pictures of Lee with these
weapons on his person, which (all by itself) validates the "Backyard
Photographs". But even if you wish to think that Marina is a bald-faced
liar, there's the fact that the HSCA panel of photo experts vouched for
the B.Y. pics (and the autopsy photos and X-rays to boot). ....
5.) Wesley Frazier observed Oswald take a package into the Depository
on the morning of November 22nd, 1963. .... Frazier said (via his 11/22
affidavit): "I saw him go in the back door at the Loading Dock of the
building that we work in, and he still had the package under his arm."
(Emphasis mine.) ....
6.) Oswald's claim of "curtain rods" within the package cannot be
supported at all. His room needed no curtains, nor rods, and NO such
rods were ever found in the TSBD or at 1026 N. Beckley Avenue in Oak
7.) Oswald was seen working on the Depository's sixth floor that
morning. Co-workers sent the elevator back up to Oswald on the 6th
Floor shortly before the assassination. This fact, of course, doesn't
nearly prove Oswald was guilty of a crime; but what it does do is place
him on the Death Floor (alone) a short time (approximately 35 minutes)
before Kennedy's assassination. This fact, too, is a solid piece of
often-overlooked or scoffed-at circumstantial evidence.
8.) Oswald's palmprint is found on his Carcano rifle. .... But, of
course, this print is really just a "bonus" for the DPD in linking LHO
to the weapon. For even without it, it's glaringly obvious that the
weapon was Oswald's. It was proven that the alias, "A.J. Hidell", was
actually Oswald himself; and the order form from Klein's to purchase
the mail-order rifle was positively proven to have been in Oswald's
handwriting, and sent to a Dallas P.O. Box that was used by him.
Obviously, just LHO's owning the rifle doesn't prove he pulled the
trigger. But doesn't just plain ordinary garden-variety logic dictate
(with a pretty good percentage of probability) that it was the owner of
said weapon, a Mr. Lee H. Oswald, that fired the shots on 11/22? The
alternative is to believe that Oswald, for some unknown reason, handed
over his Carcano to someone else for the purpose of using it. Why would
he knowingly have done this idiotic act, knowing full well what might
be the implications of doing so?
9.) Not ONE SPECK of any bullets/bullet fragments/bullet shells OTHER
THAN OSWALD'S 6.5 MM MANNLICHER-CARCANO were discovered anywhere in
Dealey Plaza, the limousine, the TSBD, Parkland Hospital, or in the
victims. This one, to me, is simply impossible for conspiracy advocates
to overcome, IF there had been (as some claim) up to 3 firing teams and
4 to 10 shots fired in DP on Nov. 22nd. HOW could every single scrap of
ballistics evidence be completely eradicated from the 2 (or more)
non-Oswald weapons almost immediately after the event? Couldn't have
been accomplished by even Kreskin!
Plus: This massive task of removing all non-Oswald wounds & bullets
would most certainly have had to include the many doctors who worked on
BOTH the President and Gov. Connally at Parkland. PLUS it would include
the multitude of people who observed the body at Bethesda (unless you
subscribe to the totally-implausible accounts of body-altering and all
that business aboard AF1, or elsewhere before the body got to
Washington. Again, even Kreskin would be amazed by such incredible
ALL ballistic evidence was traced back to being consistent with the
weapon owned by Lee H. Oswald. The probability of this occurring IF
there were multiple guns firing at the motorcade is probably so low to
be considered virtually impossible.
The "bullet/ballistic" evidence that was linked conclusively to Oswald's
Carcano rifle includes the following items:
...The three bullet shells found under the window in the Sniper's Nest on
the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository.
...The two large bullet fragments found by the Secret Service in the
front seat area of the Presidential limousine.
...Warren Commission Exhibit No. 399, which was found on Governor Connally's stretcher at Parkland Hospital shortly after the assassination
by Darrell C. Tomlinson.
10.) The majority of Dealey Plaza witnesses said shots came from behind
the President, in the direction of the School Book Depository Building.
.... In addition, an even larger pct. of witnesses said they heard
EXACTLY three shots fired. No more, no less. And three spent shells
(co-incidentally?) were found in the Sniper's Nest. ....
I also find it extremely interesting (and quite telling) that virtually
EVERY SINGLE ONE (if not 100%) of the newsmen and reporters riding in
the motorcade and in DP, who were in a position to immediately report
the shooting to the world via media outlets (radio/TV), heard EXACTLY
THREE SHOTS FIRED. Precisely the number that the "plotters" NEED to
have Oswald firing in the Depository.
This would include Merriman Smith, Jack Bell, Jay Watson of WFAA-TV,
and the person from WFAA standing right next to Watson in DP when the
shooting occurred (among still others who reported "3 Shots" to a TV
and Radio audience before 1:00 PM on November 22nd). Funny huh? Were
these people just being NICE to the conspiratorial plotters by
cooperating with their "Three-Shots-Needed" plot/plan? An odd
"coincidence" IMO IF there had REALLY been 4 to 10 shots fired in DP
that Friday. Don't you think ANY of the reporters just might have heard
a DIFFERENT number (other than "3") if the plot involved so many more
11.) Oswald makes an unusual trip to Irving on Thursday, November 21,
to retrieve his "curtain rods". His rifle is found missing from the
Paine garage the following day. But, interestingly, some curtain rods,
which Mrs. Paine testified she DID have in her garage prior to the
assassination (via 1986 questioning of her by Vincent Bugliosi), were
Plus: Never ONCE did Ruth Paine or Marina Oswald hear Lee Oswald
mention ANYTHING about "curtain rods" during his surprise Thursday
visit to Irving. Don't you think he might have at least MENTIONED the
"rods" to either woman if the only reason for his Irving visit was to
pick up said rods -- esp. seeing as how it was Mrs. Paine's house, not
12.) Oswald left behind, presumably for wife Marina, his wedding ring,
wallet, and just about every dime he had to his name ($170), on the
morning of 11/22. Logic dictates that he felt he may not return.
13.) Oswald was the only Depository employee known to have been INSIDE
the Depository Building at the time of the assassination to leave work
prematurely on 11/22. Why do you suppose this was? The day was only
half over.
Plus: Oswald's reason for ducking out of work at 12:33 PM is extremely
weak -- not to menion downright prescient on his part. For HOW, three
minutes after a shooting that he supposedly knew NOTHING about (what
with him supposedly being in the lunchroom eating lunch at the time),
could Oswald have POSSIBLY KNOWN FOR A FACT that TSBD Superintendent
Roy Truly would spring everybody for the day due to the commotion
caused by the shooting (which is EXACTLY the convenient excuse he gave
to police after his arrest)?
If Oswald was telling the whole truth every step of the way on November
22 -- He would have had NO knowledge that any shots would have come
from HIS building (the TSBD) to cause Mr. Truly to let everyone go due
to THAT building being the source of gunfire. .... Oswald also, if he's
not the liar I know him to be, would not really have known much of
anything re. the President's shooting (certainly not from an EYEWITNESS
standpoint, since the beloved Oswald is on the 2nd Floor supposedly),
although Mrs. Robert Reid DID tell Oswald on his way out of the
building that "The President's been shot; but maybe they didn't kill
Plus: WHO would LEAVE such an exciting (albeit very sad) scene like
that right after a Presidential shooting? An average Joe would want to
stick around and rubber-neck and see what the hell had happened. Does
Oswald do this? No. He doesn't stay around the exciting scene at all --
he leaves within THREE MINUTES of the shooting. THREE minutes. Doesn't
talk to anyone (that we know of); except Mr. Allman or Bob MacNeil (one
or the other; that point's in dispute by some researchers), when one or
both of these men asks Oswald where a phone is.
In short: Oswald's leaving his workplace without a truly valid and
believable reason to do so at 12:33 is solid circumstantial evidence of
his guilt. He WANTED to leave, fairly obviously, before he was caught.
14.) Oswald, in flight, shoots & kills Dallas patrolman J.D. Tippit
(multiple witnesses confirm it was Oswald, with very few variations of
description). In the Tippit case, are we truly to accept the minority
number of people (which I believe number 1, Mrs. Clemmons) who state:
"It was a larger man" or "There were two people", rather than believe
the vast majority of witnesses who claimed, uncategorically, that
15.) WHY does Oswald kill Officer Tippit IF he's innocent of another
crime just 45 minutes earlier in Dealey Plaza? Answer: He would have no
such reason to do so. If the Tippit shooting isn't one of the biggest
reasons to shout from the rooftops "Oswald did it!", then I don't know
what would be.
16.) Oswald, just days after acquiring his Carcano weapon, attempts to
murder retired General Edwin Walker in Dallas, in April of '63. Marina
Oswald herself testifies that "Lee told me...he just shot Walker". The
Walker bullet [CE573] is consistent with a bullet from Oswald's rifle. ....
Another KEY fact is the Walker attempt, as I think any reasonable
person looking at the case objectively would concur. For, it displays
in Oswald a definite tendency toward violent action on his part during
the months leading up to November 22nd.
To me, it's not a wild stretch of one's imagination to think that if
this guy is willing to bump off Walker, then he might just set his
sights a little higher when the perfect opportunity presents itself 7
months later. The fact that Oswald was a kind of loner, oddball, and
rejected authority at just about every turn in life cannot be
underestimated when talking of motive. He admitted that he hated
America (in general terms) for not being able to just come and go as he
pleased to Russia and Cuba whenever it pleased him in the months just
prior to November 22. As a former Marine acquaintance of Oswald's once
said: "He always thought he was a little better than everyone else".
This statement speaks volumes, in my opinion, when gazing into Oswald's
background and possible motive in the JFK murder.
17.) It was PROVEN, no matter what anybody WANTS to believe to the
contrary, that three shots COULD be fired in the allotted timeframe
from the Oswald rifle. The probability that Oswald had, in fact,
approx. 8.2 seconds to accomplish the shooting further increases the
likelihood that Lee could have performed the deed. IF you believe the
first (missed) shot hit a tree branch and ricocheted to strike James
Tague by the underpass at approx. Frame 160 of the Zapruder film (as I,
of course, do), then the total time between shots #1 and #3 increases
to more than eight seconds, much more than the minimum required of 2.3
seconds (times two) to get off the three shots.
18.) Try as the CTers might, the Single-Bullet Theory has still not
been proven to be an impossibility. The Zapruder film shows that the
SBT is more-than-likely the correct scenario of events that day.
Kennedy & Connally are reacting to their initial wounds at virtually an
identical time, at Z-Frame 224. Unfortunately, that damn Stemmons sign
is blocking our view during what might be a critical point on the film.
It can therefore NEVER be determined by anybody whether JFK was
reacting to his throat/neck wound at a frame earlier than Z224. But,
based on the available evidence, the SBT (judging by the reactions of
the two victims in the limo) most certainly cannot be said to be false.
19.) While viewing the Zapruder film, I cannot see how anybody can say
that the BACK of President Kennedy's head is blown away as a result of
the head shot. It seems quite obvious while watching and freezing the
film at various post-Z313 frames, that the entire rear portion of JFK's
head remains intact throughout the shooting. The RIGHT-FRONT portion of
his head is blown apart. Isn't it obvious that it's the FRONTAL portion
of his skull that is being displaced by the swiftly-moving projectile?
And if so, doesn't this demonstrate the actions of an object that's
just been struck from BEHIND, not from the front? For, if shot from the
grassy knoll (front right), WHY isn't there evidence on the Z-Film of
massive head damage on the President's LEFT-REAR side of the head?
Bullets explode out the EXIT wounds, don't they?
20.) It was also proven that Oswald could have indeed trekked, in 90
seconds, the distance across the sixth floor and descended the 4
stories in time to have been seen on the building's second floor.
I've no doubt that the many conspiracy theorists, who claim that Oswald
had nothing whatsoever to do with the events of 11/22, could provide a
lengthy list of their own, favoring (in their view) theories such as:
"Oswald Was Framed", "Oswald Was A Patsy", or "Oswald Was A Figment Of
Everyone's Imagination And Was Never Even In Dallas During His
Lifetime". I'm sure the CTers would have no trouble denouncing my views
as "More Warren Commission-related B.S.!".
However, while compiling your own CT list, and rejecting the vast array
of evidence that convincingly shows that a Mr. Oswald pulled that
trigger, I think it might be wise to just ask yourself ..... IS IT EVEN
REMOTELY POSSIBLE THAT OSWALD COULD HAVE COMMITTED THIS CRIME ALONE?! (And every bit of evidence that has been unearthed to this point has
shown that it WAS indeed possible for Lee Oswald to have performed this
And if the answer to the above question is even a hesitant "Yes",
doesn't that, by definition (at least partly in a CTer's mind) validate
the belief of Oswald's lone participation in the JFK assassination?
Because aren't hard facts and evidence always more believable than
wild speculation and conjecture? And aren't many/(most) conspiracy
theories created out of just that -- speculation?
David Von Pein
July 2003
July 2005
October 2014