A conspiracy theorist wrote the following:
"[John] Connally saw the President "slump" out of the corner of his eye before he felt any impact."
My response to the above remark is:
And then John B. Connally evidently lied about this ultra-important fact for the rest of his life. Right?
Or: He simply FORGOT that he saw the President "slump" when he gave his official testimony later to the Warren Commission and the HSCA? Is that correct?
And he also forgot about the "slump" remark whenever he talked about his vivid recollections of the event on various JFK documentaries and in TV interviews over the years. Right?
How on Earth could he NOT include this very critical "I Saw JFK Slumping" remark in EVERY ONE of the many interviews he gave if it were, in fact, true? Including mentioning it, of course, during his under-oath statements to the Warren Commission, where he was as clear as a bell regarding this point of seeing JFK vs. not seeing him.....
"This almost sounds incredible, I am sure, since we were in the car with them. But again I will repeat very briefly when what I believe to be the shot first occurred. I turned to my right, which was away from both of them, of course, and looked out and could see neither [JFK & Jackie], and then as I was turning to look into the back seat where I would have seen both of them, I was hit, so I never completed the turn at all, and I never saw either one of them after the firing started." -- John B. Connally; 1964
So, John Connally was either a liar, or he simply misspoke during the bedside interview in late November 1963 when he said "the President had slumped". That latter option is much more likely to be true. [See the video below.]
The "slump" remark was probably a combination of his own version of what he saw, mixed in with a little of his wife Nellie's version of events. Because there's no way (no how) that he's going to forget something as important as that....especially when you factor in his detailed, NEVER-CHANGING testimony with respect to OTHER portions of his account of the shooting. Such as:
"I was not hit by shot #1; Then I was hit; I heard but was not hit by the third shot; It felt like a balled-up fist hit me in the back; I looked down and could immediately see that I was covered with blood; I did not hear the shot that hit me; They're going to kill us all; Blood and brain tissue from the head shot fell on us; I didn't notice anything unusual in the crowd, just the general activity of people waving."
All of the above comments were repeated (nearly verbatim) every time I ever heard Governor Connally talk about the assassination. But the "he slumped" remark was never repeated. Ever wonder why?
Was Governor Connally a liar? Or was he merely ASSUMING that JFK had "slumped", because he was of the OPINION that President Kennedy had been struck by that first gunshot (based solely on his wife's opinion)?
Food for thought.
David Von Pein
December 2006


John Connally Says The SBT Is "Possible"
John Connally: Both The Best And Worst Witness