Part 1358 of my "JFK Assassination Arguments" series includes a variety of my posts and comments covering the period of November 1—30, 2022. To read the entire forum discussion from which my own comments have been extracted, click on the "Full Discussion" logo at the bottom of each individual segment.
I'm glad I brought up the topic of the girl on the phone and the locked door at the South-Western Publishing office (in this other thread).
Because it looks like I inadvertently provided some of the conspiracists here at The Education Forum with yet another person that they can add to their ever-expanding "Suspicious Persons" file when it comes to their search for suspects and co-conspirators in President Kennedy's assassination.
No need to thank me. I'm always glad to be of service. 😁
After searching through many of the statements of the Book Depository employees that can be found in Commission Document No. 706, it would appear that the girl who was on the telephone in the second-floor TSBD office of the South-Western Publishing Company just after the assassination occurred on 11/22/63 was 27-year-old Mrs. Carol Hughes of Garland, Texas.
In her March 20, 1964, statement to the FBI which appears on Page 47 of CD706, Mrs. Hughes says she "was alone in the office" at the time of the Presidential shooting.
Mrs. Hughes did not appear as a witness before the Warren Commission. And I don't think she gave any testimony to the HSCA either.

To quote from the cover letter that accompanies the CD706 FBI document, the 73 statements that appear in that document focused mainly on "six specific items in each statement".
The two most important of those items, it seems to me, was to find out if each TSBD employee had seen any strangers in the building on Nov. 22 and whether those employees had seen Lee Harvey Oswald around the time of the assassination.
The CD706 interviews were obviously not meant to provide a detailed grilling of each of the 73 witnesses. The FBI, at the request of the Warren Commission in March of 1964, was only wanting to find out certain specific things in each of those interviews in CD706 (aka CE1381).
I don't think any of the TSBD employees were "searched" before being allowed to leave the building.
My guess is that the mindset of the police on Nov. 22 was that it wasn't very likely that any assassins and/or accomplices would still be inside the building an hour or two after they had just murdered the President.
But, you never know, if the (alleged non-Oswald) killers had been really slow at making their escape, perhaps some of them would have still been inside when the building was sealed at about 12:37. They would have been pretty stupid and reckless to have not been able to make it out of the building after a seven-minute escape window, however.
FYI / FWIW....
Among the 73 interviews with the TSBD employees found in CD706, exactly three were done on "FD-302" FBI forms. And 70 of the interviews did not utilize the official "FD-302" form. The three that were done on FD-302 forms were the interviews with these people:
Yola D. Hopson
Judith L. McCully
Steven F. Wilson
Side Note Regarding FD-302 Forms....
In 2011, I went a few rounds with Jim DiEugenio and other conspiracy theorists on the topic of why no official FD-302 reports have ever turned up in relation to the dozens of individual interviews the FBI conducted in Warren Commission Exhibit No. 2011 --- Click Here.
Here's something odd about the floor plan of the 2nd Floor of the TSBD....
According to this diagram of the second floor [pictured below], there is no wall or divider of any kind separating the South-Western Publishing office from the Lyons & Carnahan office. That seems very strange (and unlikely).
Plus, the second-floor chart shows no wall separating the ladies room from the South-Western office either. And there's no wall between the Men's Room and the Ladies Room either. (That would have made for some interesting bathroom visits, huh?) 🙂
Errors of omission? I would certainly think so.
Plus....these bathrooms look way too big. According to this chart, the 2 restrooms take up almost the entire length of the building on the west end. That's highly doubtful. There must be something else there on the west side besides just the two bathrooms, especially when comparing the size of those two 2nd-floor restrooms to the much smaller bathrooms that were on the first floor.
And here's something else....
The way this chart is marked, it leads me to think that there is actually a third separate room (marked "Private" on the diagram), which is situated between South-Western and Lyons. Which would mean yet another wall is absent from this chart. Kind of curious indeed:

When you said that Carol Hughes' South-Western Publishing office was never searched by the police, that's probably not true, Ben. Because I just noticed
this FBI interview with TSBD employee Otis Williams. In that March 1964 interview, Williams said this:
"After returning inside the TSBD Building just after hearing the three shots on November 22, 1963, I assisted a police detective in making a search of the second floor of the building."
I would assume that the "search" referred to by Mr. Williams included searching the office of the South-Western Publishing Company.
But we must also keep in mind that by the time the police detective searched the second floor on Nov. 22nd, Mrs. Carol Hughes could very well have already smuggled any number of high-powered rifles and their associated spent shell casings out of the building.
Hughes more than likely had two Mausers and an Enfield hidden in her stockings as she left the building that day. And the 14 spent bullet shells were undoubtedly concealed in her purse too.
Why on Earth Mrs. Carol Hughes of 510 Glenfield Street, Garland, Texas, was never arrested and properly charged with conspiracy to murder President John F. Kennedy is beyond me. I've never in my life seen such an obvious case of conspiracy to commit murder! ---------> 🙂
Re: whether or not the office of South-Western Publishing was searched or not....
In this 2017 interview with South-Western TSBD employee Karen Westbrook (at the 27:55 mark), Karen talks about how the police came into her office after the assassination and pulled out all the filing cabinets. So that certainly implies that a "search" of at least a portion of the second floor did take place.
BTW, in that same 2017 interview (at 27:20), Karen Westbrook also said that after she returned to her office after seeing the President get shot, "the phones went dead" while she was on the phone talking to her mother, which must have been at least several minutes after the assassination had occurred, because Karen was out on Elm Street watching the motorcade during the shooting itself. She didn't say anything about the lights going out or a power failure, however.
Yes, Tom, you're correct. According to CD796, that is not the SW Publishing office, it's the open office space north of SWP.
The reason I said in this post it was South-Western's office is merely because Karen Westbrook herself identified that picture as being a photo of her office during her 2017 interview with Stephen Fagin of the Sixth Floor Museum. Westbrook said this when she was shown that photo during the interview:
"This is my office; I remember it well."
So, either Karen was mistaken or the FBI labeled it incorrectly in their picture for CD796. My opinion is that Karen Westbrook (after 54 years) was simply not remembering exactly what her TSBD office looked like, even though she did say she remembered it well.
The main reason I think Karen is mistaken and the FBI's floor plan has it right is because of the long vertical column that extends all the way to the ceiling in the "No. 28" FBI photo (seen below). That is probably the "Dumbwaiter", which is labeled as such in the second-floor diagram. It's in the right location at any rate.
The floor plan says the Dumbwaiter goes only to the "1st floor", which I guess means it doesn't extend through the ceiling of the 2nd-floor offices to go to the 3rd floor. But that wouldn't necessarily mean it wouldn't go from floor to ceiling right there on the second floor, right? It just doesn't extend through the ceiling to the floor above.
It's not really all that important, but a puzzle like this to solve every now and then is always kind of entertaining.

The FBI booklet in Commission Document 496 doesn't have any photos at all of the 3rd, 4th, or 5th floors. The photos in that FBI booklet are concentrated mostly on the first, second, and sixth floors. They did include one picture of the southeast corner of the 7th floor -- HERE.
It does make sense, however, that they would want to concentrate mostly on the 1st, 2nd, and 6th floors of the TSBD, seeing as how the alleged assassin (a certain Mr. Oswald, in case anyone here has forgotten his name 😁) utilized all three of those floors as he made his (alleged) escape from the building on 11/22/63 (as alluded to by Tom Gram in his post above).
I think Tom is probably correct about the FBI wanting to document (via photographs) the alleged "escape route" of Lee Oswald in the photos of the Depository we find in CD496. But there are also several pictures in that FBI booklet that show non-"escape route" photographs---such as this photo showing what is referred to as a "dressing room" in the basement of the building.
And there are also several pictures of the first floor, including this one depicting the Dr. Pepper machine near the stairs in the northwest corner.
The FBI did much the same thing (i.e., document Oswald's escape route after one of the murders he [allegedly] committed on November 22nd) in Commission Document No. 630, which is a booklet of photographs focusing on the J.D. Tippit murder site and Oswald's escape route from the scene of that murder.
David Von Pein
November 1-10, 2022

I love the way conspiracy theorists talk about the imaginary "plans" that their imaginary plotters were constructing in order to rid the world of the 35th U.S. President.
And the CTers often speak of these "plans" as if such covert/conspiratorial "plans" were proven facts that are rooted in stone.
But the evidence that exists to show that any such conspiratorial "plans" took place on 11/22/63 is....what now?
No such evidence exists....and never did. The only "evidence" for such "plans" exists exclusively in the minds and vivid imaginations of a whole bunch of conspiracy believers.
Friendly reminder....

Lee Oswald definitely did meet with Kostikov. Oswald's 11/9/63 letter to the Russian Embassy in Washington proves that fact.
But he encountered Kostikov in Mexico only because the Russian Embassy there was being staffed by KGB agents in 1963. It certainly doesn't prove that any assassination plot or "plan" was in effect when Oswald was in Mexico City.
Oh boy. You're swimming a mile deep in conspiracy excrement, aren't you Sandy? That's a shame.
How can you possibly ignore all the signs (i.e., proof) that indicate LHO was in Mexico City in September and October of 1963?
For one thing, there's Oswald's 11/9/63 letter that I already mentioned. I guess you think that letter (and LHO's signature on it) is a fake, right?
More --- In Mexico City
JOHN COTTER SAID THIS (Last post on page).
Well, John, I don't believe for one second that all three of those FBI reports that Gil Jesus talks about in his video are filled with nothing but lies. There's no way that's the case (IMO). Your mileage may vary, of course.
I know that conspiracy believers wouldn't trust J. Edgar and his FBI boys any further than they could toss them, but I just don't believe that the FBI decided to tell one bald-faced lie after another in their written reports concerning those three witnesses (Richard Dodd, James Simmons, and J.C. Price).
Similarly, I also don't believe for one second that the FBI just made up a bunch of lies in their multiple reports concerning Stretcher Bullet CE399 in Warren Commission Exhibit No. 2011. But whenever I dare to imply that I think the reports we find in CE2011 are truthful FBI reports and interviews, most conspiracy theorists scold me mercilessly and tell me I'm as nutty as a fruitcake.
And I wouldn't trust Mark Lane to tell the truth about anything relating to the JFK assassination. His track record for honesty and for fairly evaluating the evidence in the John F. Kennedy and J.D. Tippit murder cases couldn't be much worse, in my opinion.
Yes, those three witnesses (Dodd, Simmons, and Price), in 1966, did indeed say the things that we can hear them say in front of Mark Lane's cameras in the film "Rush To Judgment", but I also know that another part of Mr. Lane's track record is that he didn't always quote a witness properly, or fairly, or fully. Lane's treatment of Charles Brehm and Helen Markham and Acquilla Clemons are three of the more blatant examples of how Mr. Lane could—and would—manipulate the words of a witness to suit his "conspiratorial" desires.
So I truly think that Mark Lane somehow got those three witnesses (Dodd, Simmons, and Price) to voluntarily "improve" their memories about what they saw and heard in Dealey Plaza, so that when Lane's film came out in 1967, the things that each witness told the FBI in 1963 and 1964 suddenly morphed into the things that Mark Lane wanted to hear coming from the mouths of those witnesses.
It's a shame that people like Dodd and Price and Simmons can be manipulated so easily by snakes like Mark Lane, but I have little doubt that Lane was most certainly capable of twisting and totally distorting the words of a witness. Just listen to how he did that very thing when it came to the words of Helen Markham---Click Here. It's despicable.
And, perhaps more importantly for Mark Lane's purposes, Lane was sometimes able to get witnesses to add things to their stories that they had not said previously. [See the excerpts from Vincent Bugliosi's book "Reclaiming History" below.]
And here's another example of Mark Lane's disgraceful habit of mangling and warping the words of a witness. His victim on that occasion was Acquilla Clemons.
Here's what Dale Myers had to say about Mr. Lane and his treatment of Mrs. Clemons:
"Heralded by a generation unwilling to confront his deceptions, dishonesty, and repeated cover-ups, [Mark] Lane’s handling of the Acquilla Clemons story should serve as the primary exhibit of what lengths dedicated propagandists are willing to go to twist the simple, uncomplicated truth into a pack of fables that serve their own deceitful ends." -- Dale K. Myers; November 1, 2017
Click to enlarge:

My belief in Lee Oswald's lone guilt in the JFK and J.D. Tippit murders is based on the evidence in both of those cases, plus Oswald's very incriminating actions and movements (and the lies that he told) on both November 21st and November 22nd of 1963.
If certain conspiracy promoters choose to believe that all (or most) of that evidence against Mr. Oswald is fake or fraudulent or manufactured evidence (and many do)....well, that's their choice. But, IMO, it's not a reasonable thing to believe at all.
And if those same conspiracists also choose to interpret Lee Harvey Oswald's Nov. 21-22 actions and movements as "normal" actions (or, alternatively, as actions that were "coerced" in some fashion, and thus Oswald was innocent of shooting anyone in Dallas and was merely being used as a "patsy" on 11/22/63)....well, again, that's their choice. But, in my view, that is certainly not a choice that a reasonable and sensible person would choose to make.
End result/conclusion: Lee H. Oswald was a double murderer. And he very likely acted alone.*
And here are my thoughts regarding the 11/25/63 Katzenbach memo.
* http://jfk-archives/Leaving The Door Of Conspiracy Open Just A Crack
If Katzenbach's November 25th memo had, indeed, truly been "conspiratorial" or "covert" in some fashion, then the big question all conspiracy theorists should be asking is this one (which no CTer ever seems to want to ask):
Why on Earth would Nicholas Katzenbach write such a crazy memo in the first place IF he had truly been part of some kind of a cover-up operation that was in place after JFK's murder?
Do CTers really think Katzenbach was so stupid (and brazen) that he would memorialize on paper his very own cover-up plan?!
That's nuts.
Therefore, since it couldn't be more obvious that only an insane man would want to WRITE DOWN (and have RETAINED) his conspiratorial thoughts and cover-up plan for everybody to read for decades to come, then that means that the words we find in Mr. Katzenbach's 11/25/63 memorandum must have a meaning other than the conspiratorial and covert meaning that JFK conspiracy theorists are constantly applying to the Katzenbach memo.
More discussion about the Katzenbach memo here.
David Von Pein
November 3-5, 2022

What a bunch of malarkey.
There was, of course, no "patsy" at all. Merely a very strange man named Oswald (who had already established himself as a would-be political assassin in April of '63 when he tried to kill Edwin Walker) and who owned a rifle and realized on November 19th or November 20th that he would have a perfect opportunity to smuggle his own gun into his own place of employment on the day when JFK came to town in order to make an attempt on the life of yet another political figure.
No "sheep-dipping" required.
No "conspirators" required.
No Grassy Knoll gunmen required.
Just a guy named Lee and his very own Carcano weapon (plus a couple of "curtain rod" lies told to Buell Frazier).
~~Mark VII~~
What a ridiculous statement above by James DiEugenio regarding Lee Oswald and the Rosenberg case.
Lots of people are terrible when it comes to recalling specific dates of things that have happened in the past. And I'm sure that applies even to "genuine communists".
There's not a single "LNer" in history who actually believes that Lee Harvey Oswald was being "sheep-dipped" in the various ways that CTers think he was being "dipped" in 1963. You can't be an "LNer" and believe in the sheep-dipping theories.
So I'm certainly not a Lone Lone-Nutter when it comes to disbelieving the various elements contained within the "sheep-dipping" topic. Far from it. There are millions of other LNers out there who disbelieve it too.
And I don't "ignore" the things that CTers say are "sheep-dipping" (e.g., the Ryder incident, the Bogard incident, the parking lot incident, the Odio incident, the rifle purchase, etc.)....I merely disagree with the assertion that these things constitute "sheep-dipping".
None of those incidents were pre-arranged by behind-the-scenes conspirators in order to set up their alleged patsy named Oswald. Some of those "Oswald sightings" are very likely simply cases of mistaken identity, but some of them really did involve Oswald doing those things---with the RIFLE PURCHASE being the biggest example of the many things in JFK Assassination Land that fall into the crowded category of: "This Really Did Happen Even Though Many Conspiracy Theorists Insist It Didn't".
And it's quite possible (IMO) that Oswald was, indeed, at Sylvia Odio's door in late September of 1963. I'm on the fence concerning that incident. I'm just not sure if it was really Oswald at Odio's residence. And nobody else in the world can be 100% sure either.
And to believe, as John Cotter does, that "his [Oswald's] placement in the TSBD constitutes irrefutable proof of a conspiracy", is just—quite simply—a stupefyingly ridiculous claim, because the way Oswald got his Depository job [see the two links below] is not only NOT "irrefutable proof of a conspiracy", it actually goes in the opposite direction and is most certainly a very good indication that NO pre-planned conspiracy existed to kill the President in October and November of 1963. Which proves, yet again, that white almost always means black to the many conspiracy fantasists in the JFK Assassination world.
http://jfk-archives/Was Lee Harvey Oswald
Planted In The Book Depository By Plotters?

David Von Pein
November 7-8, 2022

My So-Called Libel of James DiEugenio --- Click Here.
DiEugenio's constant protests about the way he is treated by LNers like Fred Litwin is laughable. He doesn't like it when somebody says he thinks most of the LHO-did-it evidence is fake/planted.
But the truth is (whether they want to come out and admit it or not), virtually ALL CTers in the ABO [Anybody But Oswald] camp, including Dizzy DiEugenio, DO indeed believe all (or certainly most) of the evidence against Lee Harvey Oswald WAS faked [see the link below].
They have to believe such claptrap. Otherwise, they couldn't possibly maintain their silly belief that Oswald was snow-white innocent of the TWO murders he committed on 11/22/63.
http://jfk-archives/The Stupid Things
James DiEugenio Believes
And since we're talking about "libel", just take a look at the third sentence written by Jim DiEugenio in that link I just provided above (at the top of the page). That sentence reads:
"So here he [DVP] quotes two people [Marina Oswald and Ruth Paine] who are--well--liars."
Talk about a potentially libelous statement. The one I just quoted sure as heck sounds like one to me.
The irony is always thick around DiEugenio, isn't it?
And Jim D. libels Ruth Paine practically every day. Let's have a gander at some additional instances on my webpage below---starting with DiEugenio's very first words:

David Von Pein
November 10, 2022 (Via Facebook Messenger)
I don't think this proposed redesign of Dealey Plaza is such a terrible idea. I kind of like some of the things that have been planned.
Based on the various artist renderings of the redesign (seen below), it appears as though pretty much all of the familiar Dealey Plaza landmarks that are associated with the assassination will remain intact and untouched, such as Zapruder's pedestal, the pergolas, the peristyles, the George Dealey statue, the Grassy Knoll slopes, the TSBD Building, and the streets (except for Houston Street, which would have its surface changed in order to "calm traffic", which I assume would also make it a "quieter" street).
In the first rendered image below, I can't tell whether the famous picket fence on the Knoll is still there or not. Perhaps it is. So maybe even that familiar landmark wouldn't have to be disturbed either.
I think the idea of the "Memorial Promenade and Overlook" is a good one. And since the proposed location for such a Promenade would be well behind the area of the Grassy Knoll and original Plaza pergolas, I don't see why even the Dealey Plaza purists would complain about it too much. It would be located in the parking lot area behind the Grassy Knoll. No big loss there.
One major change in the proposed redesign is that Elm Street would be closed to all vehicle traffic entirely. Only pedestrian traffic would be permitted on Elm, which would certainly make things safer for tourists, who currently can't resist dashing in and out of traffic to have their pictures taken while standing on the X in the middle of Elm Street.
I'm not all that keen on the idea of the two "pools" that would be placed along Elm Street to mark the exact locations where JFK was hit by bullets. In the article about the proposed redesign, the author says that the current X's in the street are "tawdry" symbols to mark JFK's death. Well, the proposed "pools" aren't much better on the "tawdry" scale, in my opinion.
Click to enlarge each of the images below:

David Von Pein
November 11, 2022

For some unknown reason, Mr. DiEugenio didn't even see fit to include a link to Dale Myers' July 24, 2022, article that DiEugenio is heavily bashing at his website.
Therefore, I'll post a link to Myers' 7/24/22 article/review here.
EDIT -- And, as a bonus, here's a link to Dale Myers' November 16, 2022, blog post in which Dale handily puts Delusional DiEugenio in his place regarding Jimbo's 11/14/22 "Dale Myers And His World Of Illusion" article.
When did Myers ever call Jack Tatum his "chief witness"?
What Dale Myers does (in totality), of course, is to utilize ALL of the evidence in the J.D. Tippit murder case to arrive at the inescapable conclusion of Lee Harvey Oswald's guilt in that crime.
And, in actuality, no witnesses are even needed at all in order to arrive at that conclusion, seeing as how Oswald was nice enough to hang on to the Tippit murder weapon in the theater for 35 minutes after killing the 11-year veteran police officer.
The following laminated quotation (aka: a blast of reality) should be placed before the eyes of people like James "Bozo" DiEugenio at least once a month. They'll always ignore it, but they should be forced to read it once a month anyway:

Also See --- THIS LINK to Dale Myers' November 16, 2022, blog post in which Dale handily and convincingly puts DiEugenio in his proper place.
Extra Bonus:

Because what you're saying is just flat-out NOT TRUE. If it was true, we wouldn't find this passage in the autopsy report (written by those very same autopsy doctors):
"The missile contused the strap muscles of the right side of the neck, damaged the trachea and made its exit through the anterior surface of the neck." -- Page 6 of the Official Autopsy Report; Warren Report, p.543
Which, of course, is something I never said [re: DiEugenio's remark about Henry Lee].
And as for Mr. DiEugenio's God Of All Criminalists, Henry C. Lee, I'll remind Jim D. that it was that very same man, Mr. Lee, who was stupid enough to testify at the O.J. Simpson trial in 1995 that a second killer's shoe print might very well have been at the scene of Nicole Brown's murder---even though the shoe print in question had been left in the concrete years earlier when the sidewalk was first constructed.
So, yes, Henry Lee is one of the leading forensic scientists in the world, but his blunder at the Simpson Trial proves that even the "world's greatest" can make a (big) mistake now and then.
And if Henry C. Lee has gone on record as saying that President Kennedy was killed via some kind of conspiracy (and/or cover-up), then he has made a second big mistake (in my opinion).
If you want to watch Vincent Bugliosi rip Henry Lee to shreds with respect to the O.J. Simpson Trial, go to the 2:05:38 mark in this video.
David Von Pein
November 14-17, 2022

Same old CTer mantra---everything's fake! Right, James?
Good gosh, that worn-out "It's Phony" cop-out gets old after hearing it for the umpteenth time.
The proof that Lee Oswald was in Mexico City in September/October 1963 is several layers deep. And Oswald himself, of course, told us he was in Mexico City via his very own 11/9/63 letter to the Soviet Embassy, which has LHO's very own signature on it. Let me guess, Jim....that signature is a fake too, right?
~~large sigh~~
David Von Pein
November 16, 2022

That radio broadcast you're referring to is merely a re-creation that was done several days after Nov. 22 by the KBOX-Radio announcers. It is NOT a "live" broadcast. Therefore, any "impulse patterns" you hear cannot be related to gunshots or the assassination.
Also see:
David Von Pein
November 16, 2022

I don't see how anyone—even a conspiracy theorist—can deny the fact that Lee Oswald definitely did physically abuse Marina Oswald during the course of their marriage. There is ample evidence to indicate that Lee smacked Marina around on numerous occasions.
From Vincent Bugliosi's "Reclaiming History", page 646 (main text):
"The beatings also resumed, sometimes to the point of leaving obvious bruises. When Marguerite, on a visit one day, saw that Marina, who was nursing Junie, kept her head down, she came around to Marina's front and noticed she had "a black eye." Marguerite called her son on it: "Lee, what do you mean by striking Marina?" He told her to mind her own business, and she did. As she [Marguerite Oswald] told the Warren Commission, there were occasions when her son would come home from work and there would be no supper waiting for him, and "there may be times that a woman needs a black eye."
Marina hoped that Robert [Oswald] might intervene, and Robert did see her at least once when she had an obvious black eye, but he said nothing. The beatings became routine—as frequent as twice a week after Marguerite's first visit. What followed was the by-now-familiar, dreary pattern of wife battering. Each time Lee physically abused Marina, he would offer an abject apology and assure her of his love, and Marina would eagerly seize on the assurance of his love, forgiving and no doubt to some extent accepting the blame for the incident herself.
With the progressive loss of her self-esteem, she lost more and more of the will to resist. She began to collaborate in fabricating the excuses offered to others for increasingly serious injuries. Underlying it all was Lee's need to control Marina, with alternating abuse and tantalizing offers of affection." -- Page 646 of "Reclaiming History"
Bugliosi's sources for the above paragraphs:
1 H 139–140, Warren Commission Testimony of Marguerite Oswald.
Priscilla McMillan, Marina And Lee, p.236.

You really believe that Vince Bugliosi or Priscilla McMillan or maybe MARINA herself (as told to Priscilla) were "just making stuff up" regarding LHO's abusive treatment of Marina, Sandy?
You're sounding more like DiEugenio all the time. (And that's certainly not a good thing.)
And do you think Marguerite was "making stuff up" too, when she said (at 1 H 140) that Marina told her it was "Lee" who had caused the black eye?
Why on Earth would MARGUERITE, of all people, want to falsely paint her son as a wife abuser?
David Von Pein
November 21, 2022

What would you know about "The Truth" when it comes to the JFK case? You, Ron Bulman, actually wrote this incredibly inaccurate statement in July 2019:
"Oswald never ordered a rifle." -- R. Bulman; July 12, 2019
Now there's a quote that should make any truth-seeking student of the JFK case want to "puke".
But since it's in vogue here in the 21st century for conspiracy theorists to believe that all of the Klein's paperwork is fake, we now have to suffer through all of the inept and inane "Oswald Never Ordered The Rifle" arguments.
David Von Pein
November 25, 2022