>>> "You obviously, by your own admittance, have damaged your own credibility. You admit that you are willing to absorb unproven claims as fact, accepting them as "perfectly adequate", without physical evidence." <<<
Somebody tell me that I'm dreaming and that a kook named Gil didn't write the above paragraph. Because that paragraph up there from Gil is just too darn deliciously ironic and hilarious to be believed. Even for Gilbert.
Let's bask in its Pot/Kettle irony once more.....
"You admit that you are willing to absorb unproven claims as fact, accepting them as "perfectly adequate", without physical evidence."
As Rochester Van Jones was wont to say to Jack Benny -- Yep...he really did say that! He said it alright!
Gil evidently thinks that he never "absorbs unproven claims as fact".
What about the entire "Oswald As Patsy" claim, Gil?
What about the whole notion of those extra bullets entering JFK and Connally on 11/22/63?
What about the whole notion of the huge police and Warren Commission "cover-up" that you kooks believe is 100% true, Gil?
What about those "unproven claims"? (And a hundred more like them.)
Let's see what's next out of this kook's mouth that will undoubtedly make him look like a bigger idiot.....
>>> "Unlike the many Dealey Plaza witnesses whose word you WON'T take..." <<<
More stupid shit cherry-picked from Gil's own fruit trees, I see.
What about all the Dealey Plaza witnesses that you discard as being wrong and/or untruthful, Gil? What about Howard Brennan? Do YOU take his "word" as the truth?
What about Robert Jackson and Mal Couch and Charles Brehm and Jim Altgens and Harold Norman and Junior Jarman and many others that go against the "conspiracy grain" in many different ways? Are they to be discarded?
Gil doesn't practice what he preaches. He types a Pot/Kettle post...THEN thinks about it afterward (maybe).
>>> "I'm done with this thread David..." <<<
Wanna bet?
>>> "I'm letting you off the hook." <<<
If this post of Gil's gets any funnier, my bladder will not support the onslaught. (And everybody here knows of its weak status. So, if you have ANY mercy, Gil, you'll stop pretty soon.)
>>> "You've proven yourself to be a liar, a con-artist, a deceiver and a phony." <<<
You left out: "WC shill", "VB butt-kisser", "CIA disinfo agent", and "baby-killing psycho".....right?
>>> "You twist things around and put your own little spin on them. You make wild claims and refuse to back them up with concrete evidence. You accept the assertions of like-minded individuals without doing any background research." <<< bladder!
Can this "Pot Meets Kettle" post get any more ridiculous? Is that physically possible at this point?
A CT-Kook is actually telling an LNer these things, folks:
"You twist things around and put your own little spin on them."
"You make wild claims and refuse to back them up with concrete evidence."
"You accept the assertions of like-minded individuals without doing any background research."
It just can't get any better than this.
If everybody reading this isn't currently laid out on the floor from laughing so hard, it can only be because they died from laughing at having seen the first half of Gil's post.
>>> "The lurkers can see what a fraud you are." <<< comes a great-big Kettle (once again).
Now that Gil has stepped several inches deeper into his CT-Kook Quicksand via this latest post of his, I'd like to thank him for today's bawdy entertainment here at The Asylum.
My bladder burst several times during Gil's soliloquy, but it was worth the extra trips to the bathroom.
As for my never doing any "background research" -- Click Here.
David Von Pein
September 10, 2008