(PART 1381)


Part 1381 of my "JFK Assassination Arguments" series includes a variety of my posts and comments covering the period of October 1—31, 2024. To read the entire forum discussion from which my own comments have been extracted, click on the "Full Discussion" logo at the bottom of each individual segment.



Here's an informative 2015 interview with author/researcher Dale K. Myers:


High-quality version of Lee Harvey Oswald's brief television interview in New Orleans on August 21, 1963, including a few bonus video clips:

Also See:

David Von Pein
October 1, 2024



A plug for Fred Litwin's new 2024 book, "A Heritage Of Nonsense":

And in addition to Fred Litwin's excellent books and his website full of very detailed dismantling of many of Jim Garrison's crackpot ideas, another good source for debunking Garrison's nonsense is, of course, Vincent Bugliosi's now-17-year-old masterpiece "Reclaiming History", including this excerpt below (culled from Page 1361 of Bugliosi's book):



Beautiful! Six nice disjointed DiEugenio rants in a row. (That might be a new record.)

Must be a full moon tonight. That usually causes a lot of tedious howling in the night.




Maybe you [Joseph McBride] should try actually clicking on (and reading) some of the many many links that Fred has provided to back up his "It's not true" assertions.

When a person backs up what he says with documented information (as Fred Litwin has done time and time again over the last several years, via links to his blog articles), shouldn't that make even a hardened conspiracy believer sit up and take at least a little bit of notice?

P.S. -- And anyone who thinks Mr. Litwin is not a "genuine researcher" should probably go have his or her head examined. (IMO.)



[Regarding the last paragraph of Pat Speer's post linked above....]

Geez Louise! Isn't the answer blatantly obvious?!!

There's absolutely no comparison to be made between those three men. One of the men you mentioned (Jim Garrison) had no solid evidence whatsoever against the man he put on trial for conspiracy to commit murder. While the other two men (Arlen Specter and David Belin) had many items of evidence (plus Oswald's very own highly incriminating actions and movements on 11/21 and 11/22/63) linking Lee Oswald to the two murders he committed in Dallas.

Such an obviously cockeyed comparison is like trying to compare Marvelous Marv Throneberry with Lou Gehrig. It's absurd on its face.



Which is deplorable and reprehensible activity being engaged in by a U.S. District Attorney. And yet many JFKA conspiracy theorists just love to prop up Garrison as a "hero" of some sort. I can't tell you how many comments I've had on my JFK YouTube channel from people who love to throw the sickening "Garrison was a hero" mantra in my face. I've seen it on my channel literally hundreds of times. And it makes me want to puke every time I see it.

Surely you don't condone such a slimy tactic that you just said Garrison "MAY HAVE used" in the Clay Shaw prosecution (i.e., Garrison puts Shaw on trial even though he has to know Shaw is totally innocent), do you Pat?

David Von Pein
October 1-5, 2024



Below is a four-page excerpt from Vincent Bugliosi's 2007 book, "Reclaiming History", concerning Rose Cherami:

David Von Pein
October 9, 2024




But that's the rub. Because, to date, nobody on Planet Earth has proven that a conspiracy positively existed on 11/22/63. And it's quite arrogant (and just flat-out wrong) to suggest that a conspiracy has been proven beyond all doubt.



Is W. Niederhut now considered to be the be-all and end-all when it comes to the JFK Assassination debate? Or is it okay for somebody to point out the fact that every single thing that Lee Harvey Oswald did on 11/22/63 could have been accomplished by Oswald and Oswald alone --- and was accomplished by him alone, IMO.

No conspiracy (or cover-up) has ever been necessary in an effort to explain
all of this evidence that exists in the JFK and J.D. Tippit murder cases (and
in Jack Ruby's murder of Oswald as well).



And even if what Pat Speer just said in his post above is true (i.e., that the CIA and Lyndon Johnson's administration engaged in a public relations campaign to sell to the public the notion that Lee Oswald had acted alone in the murder of JFK) .... so what?

It would simply mean that the CIA and LBJ were engaged in a campaign to sell the actual truth of Oswald's lone guilt to the public (based, of course, on the actual evidence in the case*, all of which indicates, beyond reasonable doubt, that Oswald was indeed the lone assassin).

And I'd like to know what the heck is wrong with trying to sell the truth?

* Bracing for the inevitable "All The Evidence Against Oswald Was Of The Faked/Manufactured Variety" firestorm from CTers.



I've gone dozens of rounds with DiEugenio regarding Bugliosi [Click Here]. And, IMO, Jim is totally wrong about virtually all of his intense, non-stop criticisms of Vince (to the point where many of his anti-VB rants are just downright silly and laughable).

David Von Pein
October 9, 2024



Ethel Kennedy, wife of assassinated Senator Robert F. Kennedy, passed away in Boston on October 10th, 2024. She was 96.

The Kennedy Family:

Rose Kennedy (July 22, 1890 – January 22, 1995)

Joseph P. Kennedy Sr. (September 6, 1888 – November 18, 1969)

Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. (July 25, 1915 – August 12, 1944)

John F. Kennedy (May 29, 1917 – November 22, 1963)

Rosemary Kennedy (September 13, 1918 – January 7, 2005)

Kathleen Kennedy (February 20, 1920 – May 13, 1948)

Eunice Kennedy Shriver (July 10, 1921 – August 11, 2009)

Patricia Kennedy Lawford (May 6, 1924 – September 17, 2006)

Robert F. Kennedy (November 20, 1925 – June 6, 1968)

Jean Kennedy Smith (February 20, 1928 – June 17, 2020)

Edward M. Kennedy (February 22, 1932 – August 25, 2009)


Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis (July 28, 1929 – May 19, 1994)

Sargent Shriver (November 9, 1915 – January 18, 2011)

Ethel Kennedy (April 11, 1928 – October 10, 2024)

Joan Kennedy (Born September 2, 1936) (Still living)


http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/The Kennedy Family


David Von Pein
October 10, 2024




Huh? Your TSBD exit strategy for Lee Harvey Oswald makes absolutely NO logical sense at all (let alone "excellent sense"). Because I think most reasonable people would agree that a person leaving via a BACK door tends to look MORE suspicious to anyone who might notice him than does a person who walks out the front door of an edifice (and particularly so after a major crime has just been committed in or near that edifice).

Plus: there's the fact (via the "Prayer Man is Oswald" theory) that LHO would have already been outside the building, on the front steps, when the shooting occurred. So why run the risk of getting trapped inside a building that surely Oswald knows would be sealed off by the police in a very very short period of time after the assassination? Makes zero sense to me.

Plus: Via the theory which has Oswald being the Prayer Man figure, not only does Oswald risk getting trapped in the building by police, but he then decides to go UP one floor to the SECOND floor (for some strange reason)!

So he wants to quickly get out of the building, and yet he goes back into the building and travels UP one flight to boot?! And all the while he could have just walked down the front steps and then out of Dealey Plaza within seconds of the shots being fired at the President!?

In closing this post, I feel compelled to add this final comment --- WTF??!!



So, then, in your view, Oswald didn't care at all about the fact that he might get trapped inside the building when the police sealed it off? Even though it's pretty clear from LHO's actions that day that he definitely did want to get AWAY from the TSBD Building very shortly after 12:30 PM? Is that correct, Greg?



Re: Oswald's movements immediately after the assassination....

I think Oswald came down the back stairs from the sixth floor. He probably heard Baker and Truly coming up the stairs, so he quickly ducked into the lunchroom to avoid detection. Oswald then had his brief encounter with Officer Baker and was cleared as an employee by Mr. Truly.

Lee then purchased a Coke from the Coca-Cola machine [or, just maybe, he obtained his Coke in this manner], and then Oswald walked through the offices there on the second floor and went down the front stairs, which were very near the front entrance to the building.

So at this point in the chronology, I would ask: Why on Earth would Oswald have then decided it was a good idea for him to walk all the way to the back of the building so he could exit via the loading dock rear door? That makes no logical sense to me whatsoever, especially since it's my opinion that Oswald was most certainly in a very big hurry to leave the Depository building as fast as he could at that point in time (i.e., just three minutes or so after he himself, IMO, had just shot the U.S. President from the sixth floor of that building).

Re: Officer Baker, Mrs. Reid, and the "jacket"....

It's my opinion that Oswald very likely shot JFK while wearing only his white T-shirt. He likely placed his brown outer shirt on the floor or on a box during the shooting itself. He then utilized that brown shirt as a fingerprint-wiping rag as he quickly made his way from the Sniper's Nest to the staircase on the other side of the 6th floor.

And yes, I realize that LHO didn't do such a great job of wiping off all of the prints that he put on the rifle that day. But I think my shirt/prints scenario still makes a lot of sense, especially in light of the fact that fibers consistent with Oswald's brown arrest shirt were found wedged in the butt plate of the Carcano rifle. The print-wiping theory makes the most sense, IMO, in an effort to explain how those relatively fresh fibers managed to get themselves wedged into that rifle crevice. YMMV, of course.

After dumping his rifle among the book stacks near the stairs, Oswald then puts on his brown shirt as he darts down the stairs, but he leaves the shirt untucked and unbuttoned. Hence, when he's seen by Officer Baker in the lunchroom just seconds later, the untucked/unbuttoned shirt, in Baker's eyes, has the appearance of a "jacket". And I think it's safe to assume that Baker probably wasn't paying too much detailed attention to Oswald's clothing at that moment in time on 11/22/63. Ergo, Baker simply made a mistake. He incorrectly thought the open shirt was a jacket.

Mrs. Reid, in a contradiction to what Baker observed just seconds earlier, said that Oswald wasn't wearing any shirt or jacket over the T-shirt she said Oswald was wearing. So it would seem as though one of those two witnesses is incorrect on that point--either Baker or Reid.

But the observations of Mary Bledsoe on the bus a short time later (she saw Oswald wearing a brown shirt), plus the fact that Oswald was arrested while wearing a brown shirt, would seem to suggest that it was Mrs. Reid who was the person that was mistaken about whether or not Lee Oswald was wearing something over his T-shirt.

Re: Buell Frazier not noticing Oswald exit the front door....

It might seem unreasonable to some JFK researchers to suggest that so many people near the TSBD front stoop could have missed seeing Lee Oswald exit the building after the assassination, but let me also point out the fact that there weren't many witnesses who said they saw Marrion Baker dash into the Depository that day either. And we know that Baker entered through the front TSBD door within less than a minute of the shots being fired.

Plus: other than Buell Wesley Frazier's very late-in-coming (2002) observation about seeing Oswald walking down Houston Street approx. 5 to 10 minutes after the shooting (which totally contradicts what Frazier said in the last sentence of his 11/22/63 affidavit), there's not one other witness (with the possible exceptions of newsmen Pierce Allman and/or Robert MacNeil) who claimed they saw Oswald leaving the Book Depository on November 22, 1963, whether it be via the front door or the back door. And we all know he really did depart the TSBD and Dealey Plaza within minutes of the assassination. Even most dedicated conspiracy believers don't deny that provable fact.

So the "Nobody Saw Him Leave" excuse that conspiracists often use isn't really a viable excuse at all. Because everybody knows for a fact that Oswald did leave very shortly after 12:30.

More info concerning Buell Frazier and "Prayer Man"....

In early 2021, Frazier posted the following message on his Facebook page:

"To answer the question about Prayer Man: I have been looking at this all day, and I can tell you this: I 100% have no idea who that person is. I can also tell you 100% that is not Lee Harvey Oswald. First, Lee was not out there. I know that to be true. Second, for anyone who thinks Prayer Man is Lee, the individual has a much larger frame than Lee." -- Buell Wesley Frazier; March 28, 2021

Re: Hosty's "P. Parade" note....

"I don't think the words "Presidential Parade" came out of the mouth of Lee Harvey Oswald. Based on all of the official FINAL reports (from Fritz, Bookhout, Hosty, and Kelley), I think the words "P. Parade" that appear in the "new" Hosty note were probably HOSTY'S words and HOSTY'S interpretation of Oswald's "out with Bill Shelley" statement. Otherwise, we'd have a lot more reports (and notes) that had the word "Parade" in them." -- DVP; February 2019

Lots more discussion here:
Where Was Lee Harvey Oswald When JFK Was Shot?



And not only did Fritz, Bookhout, and Hosty do Oswald a HUGE FAVOR [if LHO had really told those men that he had been located on the steps of the TSBD at the moment of the assassination]....but Oswald HIMSELF did those men an even bigger favor when he clammed up and decided to not tell the world VIA LIVE TELEVISION that he was standing on the Depository steps when the shooting occurred.

And, keep in mind, Oswald had MULTIPLE chances to do just that while he was in police custody and to shout out to the reporters and live TV cameras: I was on the front steps when JFK was shot!

So why on Earth didn't Lee Oswald tell the world—on TV—that he was really outside the building at 12:30 PM on Nov. 22nd?

The most logical (and obvious) answer to my last question is:

Because Oswald wasn't outside the building at all when the assassination of JFK was taking place.



Which is, of course, an incredible and next-to-impossible-to-believe "Let's Set Up Oswald" like-mindedness on the part of the alleged PRE-assassination plotters and the alleged POST-assassination evidence alterers. How anyone can believe such fiction is beyond me.

Related topic (which can also be applied to the things I just said above)....

What Are The Odds Of Both Of These Things Occurring In The Very Same Murder Case?


Another attempt at interjecting some common sense into the "Prayer Man" debate [following this initial attempt from two days ago]....

Do all of the conspiracy theorists who currently endorse the "Oswald Is Prayer Man" theory really and truly believe that Lee Harvey Oswald would have actually had a desire to go back into the TSBD Building within just seconds of the shots being fired at JFK?

The answer to the question I just asked, of course, can only be: Yes, those CTers must hold such a belief. And that's because LHO was definitely located inside the building just a minute or so after the assassination.

Next logical question for people who think Oswald was standing on the TSBD steps at 12:30:

Since we know Lee Oswald left Dealey Plaza within minutes of the shooting (indicating an obvious desire on his part to get away from the scene of the assassination very quickly after President Kennedy was shot), why would Oswald have wanted to delay his departure (i.e., "getaway") for even a few seconds by going back into a building that he likely thought could be sealed off by police at any moment?

Food for "Prayer Man" thought.



But Oswald had no way of knowing that "work was cancelled" at the time he left the building (which was at approx. 12:33 PM, give or take). Do you think Oswald, as of ca. 12:33, was already guessing (correctly) that there wouldn't be any more work done that day?

I know that last question is irrelevant to you anyway, Sandy. You think Oswald would have left for his (make-believe) theater rendezvous even if Lee didn't suspect that his work day was over.

But why run the risk of other theater patrons overhearing (or seeing) LHO and Ruth Paine (er, uh, I mean the phantom person you say was Lee's "handler", or the "someone" you think the "handler" told LHO to meet at the Texas Theater)?

Wouldn't a better and safer "rendezvous" be for the handler (or the unknown "someone") to simply pick up Oswald on some Dallas side street (or alley) and then the two of them sit and talk, in private, in the handler's 1955 station wagon (er, uh, I mean the handler's vehicle---whatever model car it was)?

Don't tell me the "someone" that Oswald was supposed to meet in the theater had the same motor vehicle impairment that Lee Oswald also had on 11/22/63?! --- I.E., no driver's license and no car?! ๐Ÿ˜



Bill Shelley most certainly did not tell Oswald that work was finished for the day.

The "Shelley" references we find in James Bookhout's 11/22/63 FBI report are, of course, just a sample of the many lies that Oswald told the authorities after LHO was arrested. Shelley confirmed that the last time he saw Oswald on Nov. 22 was prior to 12 Noon [7 H 390].

So, is Shelley more believable on this point? Or is Lee Oswald the one who is telling the truth? (I think the answer is obvious.)




All of the things you mentioned above are only possible because you've decided (on your own) that the fuzzy and indistinct images of Prayer Man in the Darnell Film are positively images of Lee Harvey Oswald. You made that bold declaration on Oct. 12, 2024, at 10:23 PM (EDT) when you made this highly-dubious claim at The Education Forum:

"There is enough to make the identification. Prayer Man was Oswald, beyond reasonable doubt." -- G. Doudna

But without LHO being Prayer Person, we can pretty much know that Oswald could not possibly have heard William H. Shelley make any statements to anyone outside the building at around 12:30 to 12:32 PM on 11/22, because LHO was not outside the building to hear any such remarks by Shelley (even if Shelley did make them, which he did not, according to Shelley's own Warren Commission testimony).

Therefore, it's reasonable to conclude that Oswald was simply lying to Fritz/Bookhout/Hosty regarding all of the things he said about Bill Shelley.


I suppose it's possible, however, for a conspiracy believer (or, for that matter, even a Lone Assassin believer) to postulate the idea that as Oswald was leaving the TSBD Building at around 12:33 PM, he inadvertently heard Shelley say something to someone (if we discount the idea that Shelley had already left the area of the TSBD's front entrance by that time; but that's yet another subject).

But even if we were to assume that Oswald, just by pure chance and good fortune, had heard Bill Shelley say something to someone else at that precise time when Oswald was leaving the building but was still within earshot of Shelley's voice .... is it reasonable to think that Shelley would have been telling his employees as early as 12:33 PM (just three minutes after the shooting had occurred) that there would definitely be no more work done that day at the Book Depository? Wouldn't that have been a bit early for Shelley (or anyone) to have been making a decision like that?

You can argue, of course, that the bedlam and confusion and chaos caused by the Presidential assassination attempt was certainly a major enough event to cause William Shelley to almost immediately make such a "No More Work Today" decision.

But, still, 12:33 seems a bit early for such a decision, in my opinion, especially in view of the fact that President Kennedy had not even arrived at Parkland Hospital by that time, and therefore nobody at the Depository (as of 12:33) was aware of JFK's condition or, in fact, if he had positively been struck by the gunfire at all.



Since you brought up "ballpark" figures, maybe these stats can tie into this discussion....

Via the large number of analytic statistics used in Major League Baseball nowadays, they can easily calculate how fast a player can run from Point A to Point B (such as home plate to first base). And I noted tonight that Dodgers' superstar Shohei Ohtani, in 2022, averaged 4.07 seconds when running between home and first base. (He was with the Angels then, of course.)

That means that Ohtani could have gotten from the Grassy Knoll fence to the TSBD front steps in 6.33 seconds (assuming your "140 feet" estimate is fairly accurate).

Now, of course, I'm certainly not saying that Mr. Pierce Allman of WFAA Radio in Dallas could run as fast as the fastest man in Major League Baseball (although I think a man on my team, the Cincinnati Reds, just might be even faster---Elly De La Cruz; but that's another debate altogether). :)

But if we just want to use "ballpark" type figures and start with the absolute FASTEST time that anybody on the planet could likely make such a Dealey Plaza sprint, then I'd say that your estimate of 11 seconds is probably a pretty decent guess for any guy with average running speed who isn't making $28-Million per season as the Los Angeles Dodgers Designated Hitter. ๐Ÿ˜




Marrion Baker never used the word "hallway" in his 11/22 affidavit [HERE]. He said "I saw a man walking away from the stairway". And, technically, Oswald was walking "away" from the "stairway" when Baker first saw him.

"Why can't conspiracists accept Marrion Baker's "third or fourth floor" statement for what it so clearly is — a simple and honest mistake made by a police officer who was in a chaotic and frantic situation within minutes of the President having just been shot, and who was not paying close attention at all to what floor he was standing on when he pointed his gun at Lee Harvey Oswald's stomach in the lunchroom on November 22, 1963?" -- DVP; December 2017

Also See:
http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/The Lunchroom Encounter


As I mentioned in my "Lunchroom" link above, I think it's kind of interesting to take notice of the fact that the late Vincent Bugliosi, who wrote the book excerpt pictured below, evidently had no idea at all that today's 21st Century Conspiracy Theorists have invented a brand-new theory surrounding the "Second-Floor Lunchroom Encounter". With that ridiculous "new" fantasy theory being, of course: The Lunchroom Encounter Never Happened At All.

Click to enlarge:



Hi again Greg,

Can you explain once again the reason for why Lee Oswald LIED to the press (and to the world via the live television cameras which were focused on him) when he said he was INSIDE the Depository building at the time of JFK's murder? [See video below.]

So, assuming LHO was really "out with Bill Shelley in front" at exactly 12:30 when JFK was being shot, not only does Oswald NOT tell the world that key and critical fact about being OUTSIDE the building at 12:30 (when he had a perfect chance to do so in the video below), but he actually decides to tell a LIE and say that he was IN the building instead.

I would think that those statements by Oswald would be very difficult to reconcile and to explain in a logical manner if you're a believer in the "Prayer Man Is Oswald" theory.

And I realize that there are some conspiracy believers who seem to think that Oswald's "in the building" statement to the press on 11/22/63 is not at all inconsistent with Oswald also being the Prayer Man figure on the TSBD steps. But as I discussed with various CTers several years ago [HERE], such a notion regarding the location of the Depository's front steps is just not a reasonable one.



If I was the prosecutor of Lee Harvey Oswald at his murder trial, and if I was trying to convince the jury that Oswald could not possibly be the so-called "Prayer Man" figure seen in the film recorded in Dealey Plaza by WBAP-TV cameraman James Darnell on 11/22/63, I would hammer away at the following key points to make my case:

1. Lee Harvey Oswald himself, when given ample opportunity on Nov. 22 and Nov. 23, never bothered to tell the world (via live TV) that he was standing outside on the front steps of the Book Depository Building at the precise time when President Kennedy was being shot and killed. [This #1 fact would be a huge hurdle for Oswald and his defense team to overcome in the courtroom.]

2. Oswald took a long-ish paper package into the TSBD on the morning of 11/22/63, and he LIED about the contents of that package to fellow worker Buell Wesley Frazier by telling Frazier the package contained curtain rods. (And I think I could easily prove to the jury's satisfaction that Oswald's "curtain rods" story was indeed a lie, by introducing these facts at the trial.)

3. It was established beyond all reasonable doubt by firearms tests that Oswald's very own rifle was fired at JFK's motorcade on November 22, 1963. And it was also established that there was no conclusive evidence to indicate that any gun other than Oswald's C2766 Mannlicher-Carcano rifle was fired at the motorcade in Dealey Plaza.

4. As far as this writer (and temporary prosecutor) is aware, Lee Oswald was the only Depository employee who was known to have been inside the TSBD Building at the time of the shooting of JFK (12:30 PM CST) who then left the building very shortly after the shooting took place. Most of the other employees did just the opposite---they were outside during the time of the assassination, but then went back inside the building after the shooting had occurred. I would argue to the jury that such an action by Oswald most certainly indicates an attempt to flee the scene of a crime that Oswald himself was very much involved in committing.

5. Oswald then took a bus and cab to his roominghouse in Oak Cliff, and then armed himself with a revolver. He then walked to Tenth Street and murdered Police Officer J.D. Tippit by shooting him four times. [If the Tippit murder is declared out of bounds and is severed from a JFK murder trial, then I'll be forced to introduce all this evidence (which conclusively proves that Oswald murdered Officer Tippit) at a second jury trial.]

6. I would then proceed to introduce all of the remaining pieces of evidence which, in their totality, prove beyond all doubt that Lee Harvey Oswald was most certainly not the person in this picture known as "Prayer Man". Most of that additional evidence is discussed at my website below:

Wrapping Up....

Yes, I believe my arguments (laid out above) would (and should) be more than strong enough to secure a Guilty verdict from the jury.

And regarding your last question....

In my closing arguments to the jury, I would hammer away--again and again--at my #1 item listed above: the fact that Lee Oswald himself didn't even mention his alleged ironclad alibi when he had the perfect opportunity to do so in the hallways at Dallas City Hall on the very night of JFK's murder. Plus, I would also forcefully remind the jury that Oswald had more than just one chance to tell the world (via the TV cameras) about his "out front with Shelley" alibi during his two days in police custody. But he failed to say a single word about it on those other occasions as well.

David Von Pein
October 11-15, 2024
