There is a debate going on at DPF [Deep Politics Forum] about the late witness to the Tippit killing, namely Jack Tatum.
This is the guy the HSCA discovered and said that Oswald delivered the coup de grace to Tippit by shooting at his head while he was on the ground.
Looking at the map, was not his car at 10th and Denver Street? Was he driving on Denver at the time? Could he have really seen all that from that distance, down to the type of gun?
Or do I have his position wrong?
You've got Tatum's position wrong, Jim. Tatum was on Tenth Street (having turned onto 10th from Denver) when he saw the shooting.
Tatum's brief 1978 HSCA interview can be seen HERE.
Jack Tatum re-created the shooting from his vantage point in his car for the PBS documentary "Who Was Lee Harvey Oswald?" in 1993 (at 22:56 and 24:57 in the video below)....
Tatum was also a witness at the 1986 Bugliosi/Spence mock trial in London, England ["On Trial: Lee Harvey Oswald"], but unfortunately his segment was completely cut out of the televised version shown on Showtime Cable TV in '86. However, a couple of important excerpts from his testimony are revealed in Vincent Bugliosi's 2007 book. [See the image below.]

David Von Pein
May 31, 2018