(PART 1010)


You think dyslexia only affect spelling, Dave? What kind of cretin are you? Learn about dyslexia and come back for a grown-up discussion.


LOL. This is a screamer. Farley posts something about dyslexia as it relates ONLY to something Oswald wrote down on a piece of paper (i.e., his writing/spelling)....but I guess I'm supposed to attach the OTHER meanings of dyslexia to Oswald's WRITTEN WORDS.

Was I supposed to be able to magically HEAR Oswald talking to himself in a dyslexic fashion by way of studying his WRITTEN WORDS on a piece of paper, Lee?


Oswald had problems mixing lower case and capital letters.


Farley thinks mixing lower and upper case letters is a form of dyslexia (even when Oswald spells the word correctly--like "DALLAS, TeXAS").

But I don't think that's really any form of dyslexia--because, as mentioned, Oswald spelled it correctly, without transposing letters around. I'd call it an Oswald quirk. Not dyslexia. Heck, I do the very same thing lots of times when I print something.

DYSLEXIA -- (Merriam-Webster): "A variable often familial learning disability involving difficulties in acquiring and processing language that is typically manifested by a lack of proficiency in reading, spelling, and writing."


Oswald's quirk of mixing lower-case and upper-case letters only occurred when LHO was PRINTING something. It didn't happen when he was writing in cursive style, such as the example [below] that Lee Farley was using previously when he was talking about Oswald's dyslexic tendencies.

On the money order for the rifle (CE788), for example, except for the word "box" and the "A" in "A. Hidell", everything Oswald wrote on the money order to Klein's was written in cursive. So, naturally, we're not likely to see the combination of lower-case and upper-case letters here, and we don't:


I would agree with you on that. I jumped the gun. See how easy it is?


Dyslexia Footnote----

I'll admit--I'm no "dyslexia" expert. And maybe I "jumped the gun" too, Lee. My apologies. Perhaps the mixing of lower-case and upper-case letters is, indeed, a form of dyslexia (even when the person is spelling the words totally correctly, as in Oswald's many "DALLAS, TeXAS" writings).

Another thought on this point though:

I really think that this particular "shortcut" of a lower-case "e" instead of an upper-case "E" is actually more akin to laziness than anything else. I said in a previous post that I, myself, tend to take such shortcuts with lower-case letters when I'm printing out words.

And, come to think about it a little more, I think it's invariably the letter E that I most often take that shortcut with. It's much easier (and faster) to print a lower-case E than it is to take the time to print an upper-case E, with the upper-case version requiring four separate strokes of the pen/pencil, vs. just one single curly stroke with a lower-case "e".

Perhaps Oswald felt the need to take this oft-used "E" shortcut too. Could be just plain laziness. Or wanting to write stuff out as fast as possible.

My $0.02.


Oswald had problems mixing lower case and capital letters. It is common in many people who suffer from dyslexia. Oswald suffered from this. It's not something you can turn on and off.


Well, in the case of the letter "e", I think you're wrong. Lee Harvey Oswald did, in effect, turn it "on and off", because he didn't always use a lower-case "e" when he was PRINTING.

Below are two examples of what I mean -- when printing his own first name, Oswald would many times capitalize the two Es in "Lee". But at the same time, he would use lower-case letters for the L and D in "Oswald".

But as far as the specific letter "E", Oswald would sometimes use upper-case and sometimes lower-case when PRINTING out his words.

For example, in CE792 and CE794, we see that Oswald used a mixture of lower-case and upper-case Es multiple times -- he used upper-case Es for "Lee", "New", and "Orleans". But he used lower-case Es for "Texas", "Magazine", and "Fairmore".

This indicates that he certainly had some control over the letters he was printing. In other words, his lower-case Es don't appear to be "involuntary" on his part.


What I meant by "turning it on and off" was that all of this is done unconsciously, Dave. There's a learning process that he has gone through on these examples you provide. He didn't sit and make a conscious decision to use an upper case E on his name and a lower case e on the word TeXAS, each time he wrote it. He "learned" to do it that way. He saw it in his head that way and that's what got transfered onto paper.


You could be right, Lee. But I'd also say it's possible that Oswald CHOSE to print certain letters the way he did, vs. it being done "unconsciously" on LHO's part.


The final point I'll raise on his handwriting is this:

It's very easy to forge, don't you think? Especially the way he seems to go over his own writing several times with the pen.

Give me 20 minutes and I could provide you with handwriting very similar from my own hand. You did suggest sarcastically that Jack Ruby was forging Lee's handwriting. If you think I think this then think again. I believe it was one of your family members. RVP. But, I'd sooner you reply to my post regarding the name "Hidell" and the anomalies involved.


No, it would not be easy to forge (according to the handwriting analysts who have studied Oswald's writing and printing). If a person's unique writing were easy to forge and fake, then no handwriting analyst in the world could say this:

"Commission Exhibit No. 793 was written by Lee Harvey Oswald...based upon finding the same combination of individual handwriting and hand printing characteristics in both the questioned writing and the known standards." -- James C. Cadigan (FBI) [7 H 426]

David Von Pein
August 14-15, 2010