MARCH 11, 1957:

APRIL 21, 1958:

AUGUST 24, 1959:

MARCH 28, 1960:

JULY 25, 1960:

NOVEMBER 21, 1960:

DECEMBER 19, 1960:

JANUARY 27, 1961:

MAY 26, 1961:

JUNE 9, 1961:

AUGUST 4, 1961:

SEPTEMBER 1, 1961:

NOVEMBER 24, 1961:

JANUARY 26, 1962:

JUNE 29, 1962:

JULY 13, 1962:

SEPTEMBER 7, 1962:

APRIL 26, 1963:

AUGUST 16, 1963:

NOVEMBER 29, 1963:

DECEMBER 6, 1963:


FEBRUARY 21, 1964:

MAY 29, 1964:

JULY 3, 1964:

JULY 10, 1964:

OCTOBER 2, 1964:

JANUARY 15, 1965:

APRIL 9, 1965:

JULY 16, 1965:

NOVEMBER 5, 1965:

MAY 6, 1966:

NOVEMBER 18, 1966:

NOVEMBER 25, 1966:

NOVEMBER 17, 1967:

NOVEMBER 24, 1967:

JUNE 14, 1968:

NOVEMBER 1, 1968:


AUGUST 1, 1969:

JULY 17, 1970:

AUGUST 7, 1970:

FEBRUARY 12, 1971:

JUNE 11, 1971:

MARCH 31, 1972:

A "LIFE" ADDENDUM (just for fun)....
I have found that looking through old issues of LIFE Magazine from the 1950s and 1960s can be a very satisfying and enjoyable experience, and not just for the great feature articles, but also for the large number of well-done advertisements that appear in every edition of LIFE. The nostalgia that can be felt by browsing any issue from those two decades is nearly endless. I've extracted several of my favorite '50s and '60s LIFE Magazine ads below (just for the fun of it). Click to enlarge each one...