>>> "A bullet that has just smashed John Connally's rib cannot be relied upon not to be deflected." <<<
Who cares?
Once the bullet gets into Connally, WHO CARES how (or if) it was
Since we know beyond all reasonable doubt that John Connally was only
hit by ONE single bullet on November 22, 1963....and since we know the
place on JBC's body where that ONE single bullet entered his body (the
upper back near his right armpit)....what difference does it really
make how much that ONE bullet deflected and moved once it got into
Connally's body?
Dale Myers could actually have stopped at Connally's upper-back wound
in his SBT animation. The remainder of the bullet path through
Connally is relatively insignificant, since, as mentioned, Connally
was only hit by ONE bullet during the shooting. That one bullet,
therefore, HAD to have taken the course it did -- from the upper back,
out through the chest, hitting the right wrist, and then lodging in
the left thigh.
There is NO OTHER PATH that this one bullet could have taken through
Connally's body. And that ONE bullet was positively Commission
Exhibit No. 399. Any other explanation reeks with silliness (and far
more "unexplainables" than does the Single-Bullet Theory).
David Von Pein
May 15, 2008