Part 1366 of my "JFK Assassination Arguments" series includes a variety of my posts and comments covering the period of July 1—31, 2023.
The discussion archived below doesn't involve any JFK Assassination "Arguments", but it's something I wanted to save here anyway. It's an
e-mail discussion I had in April of 2021 with Mr. Phil Gries, the owner of
Archival Television Audio, Inc. ....
Thursday, April 8, 2021....
Have you ever come in contact with another home recordist like myself who audio recorded coverage of the JFK [Assassination] off of network and local television and/or radio?
No, I sure haven't. You, Phil, stand alone in that unique category. And I doubt there will ever be anyone else on Earth to ever join you in that exclusive 11/22/63 club.
May I ask how you were able to obtain such prolific amounts of radio and television coverage of the JFK assassination AS IT HAPPENED? Since NONE of the audio on your amazing (A TRULY IMPRESSIVE WEB SITE) JFK 100 plus hours are from ORIGINAL RECORDED audio or video sources in your possession?
I have been asked that question many times. So to keep from having to type out my answer every time, I created this image of an e-mail exchange I had in 2018.
Do you have a listing representing your own personal audio/video [baseball] recordings, pre-1980?
No, I don't. But if you go to my "Baseball" pages, you can find all the games I've archived [mostly Cincinnati Reds games]. Many of the Reds games from 1979 to early 1986 are the ones that are derived from my own audio cassette tapes.
And about the only other (non-baseball) things that I recorded myself are the items I discussed in a previous e-mail---i.e., O.J. Simpson Trial Closing Arguments, 9/11 Coverage, and JFK Jr.'s Death. (Plus some game shows off of the Game Show Network when they featured "Sunday Night In Black-and-White".)
BTW / FWIW / FYI --- Probably the "rarest" audio recording I have was actually recorded by my brother in July 1976. (I rescued the original cassette tapes from the trash heap a few years ago.) It's a Reds/Mets baseball game that includes things you're not likely to find on any other archived broadcast taped off of the Cincinnati Reds Radio Network (WLW-AM 700 being the flagship station).
And WLW in Cincy is the same station, btw, that saved almost all of its JFK Assassination coverage from 11/22/63 and 11/23/63. I acquired over 30 hours of that WLW 11/22 material from a guy on the Internet in 2008. And in many ways that WLW Nov. 22-23 coverage is the crown jewel of my whole JFK collection. (You've probably seen my WLW pages already. If not, go visit them. It's an extraordinary time capsule.)
I'm often searching the Web for any such similar "long-form" type of radio (or TV) coverage from ANY other station in the USA, but to date I have found no other station in the U.S. which has archived all of its assassination coverage. If you ever come across such material that you know I don't already possess (long-form or short-form), please give me a shout. Because I'd love to be able to add a new page to my JFK websites which boldly proclaims: 55 Hours Of JFK Assassination Coverage From WLS Radio In Chicago, Illinois.
I keep looking though. I still feel there's likely a lot of untapped radio stuff from 11/22 that's still out there---somewhere.
No, I have not. The only WNEW Radio material I have is the incredible Ike Pappas recording from the DPD basement.
David V.P.
[End 2021 E-Mails.]
Related discussion HERE.
Also See:
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David Von Pein
July 2, 2023
This is another non-"argument" post, but I wanted to highlight the following video links that all point to interviews that were conducted in the late 1950s by Mike Wallace. Some of these are rather fascinating:
.... Wallace interviews 12-year-old "child genius" Leonard Ross. Ross' brilliant life came to a tragic end at the young age of 39 when he committed suicide in 1985. [Wikipedia Link.]
.... Eleanor Roosevelt.
.... Jean Seberg.
.... Anthony Perkins.
More interviews at the link below:

David Von Pein
July 5, 2023
I was recently made aware of the following television newscast, which was broadcast on the evening of November 22, 1963, by the United Kingdom's ITV (Independent Television) Network.
My thanks go out to Stephen May for providing me with the information about the existence of this rare British coverage of JFK's assassination:
Very surprised as a British citizen that ITV news in London had so much information on Oswald's defection and personal life only a few minutes after his arrest. Suspicious London media knew more about Oswald as a suspect than American mainstream media. Given the time difference between the two countries, Britain seems suspiciously well informed. I think RFK Jr. is right to question the involvement of the CIA in the murder of his uncle.
But it's not just "a few minutes" after Oswald's arrest. Assuming this video hasn't been chopped up and edited (and it doesn't appear to have been edited, IMO), then that ITV program was being aired at least 3 hours after Lee Oswald was arrested. (I'm basing my "3 hours" figure on the fact that the ITV announcer at one point says that JFK's body has arrived back in Washington, which did not happen until about 6:00 PM EST, which would have been 11:00 PM in the U.K.; and Oswald was arrested a little before 3 PM EST, 2 PM Dallas time.) That's plenty of time for the Brits to get all the info on Oswald.
I'm very reluctant to argue too much with you, as I'm incredibly grateful to you for all your fantastic uploads over the years. And to be brutally honest, it's an absolute honour for me that you have responded to my post. I have absolute respect for your minute-by-minute detailed knowledge on the subject given your incredibly large and fantastic archive.
Normally I would push back against your comment to me if it was made by almost anybody else, but given the fact I know how much more knowledgeable you are on this subject than me, I fully accept your correction of my previous comment.
Thank you for your brilliant work over many years, and please keep uploading your great archive of videos. You perform an incredibly important service for amateur history buffs like me.
Thank you, Luke. Good to meet you.
One more note....
It's possible I'm all wrong about the chronology of this ITV British program. But if I am wrong, it means that whoever originally put together that video must have edited it considerably. But I don't get the sense that it has been edited (or "pieced together") at all. It seems to flow in one continuous stream. And if it is continuous (i.e., unedited), that must mean it aired in England at about 11:00 PM or so (British time), based on the reporter's comment about JFK's body having already arrived back in Washington.
Thank you for replying.
In my first comment, I was responding to the statement made by the newsman @ 1:25: "...his body [President Kennedy] is to be flown back to Washington." Said in the now tense, and I had only watched the news report once at that point, but I agree with you, it was probably hours later because the report does seem seamless, and it's a real pleasure to meet you too, albeit only in the YouTube chat.
Looking forward to new gems you always manage to find and post.
Thanks, Luke.
BTW / FWIW....
There's one more thing that is said during an early portion of the ITV video which also indicates that that particular news program was being broadcast several hours after JFK's death, and that is when the reporter doing the "Street Interviews" segment says that President Kennedy was assassinated "about four hours ago".
And those street interviews were very likely recorded some time earlier for later broadcast. (They certainly don't seem to be "live" interviews, given the way they're edited together.) So by the time those street interviews were aired on the ITV network, even more time had elapsed since the assassination had occurred, beyond just the four hours mentioned by the interviewer.
David Von Pein
July 7-9, 2023
The latest addition to my November 1963 Newspaper Archive....
David Von Pein
July 8, 2023
Here are some newspaper clippings from 1968 and 1971 that I found to be quite interesting. These four clippings focus on Jackie Kennedy and her new husband, Aristotle Onassis. Click to enlarge each page:

David Von Pein
July 12, 2023
Someone on Facebook today [July 23, 2023] re-posted this 2019 Facebook post which includes the following photograph of Lee Harvey Oswald, which purports to be a picture taken aboard the ship S.S. Maasdam in 1962 when Lee was on his way back to the USA from Russia (click to enlarge):

Maybe the above photo is old news to many people, but I had never seen it before today.
One skeptical person at Facebook asked:
If that's really LHO in that photograph, then where's Marina?
I suppose that's a fair question to ask, since we know that Marina (plus her baby daughter, June) was, indeed, also aboard the Maasdam for that long journey across the Atlantic in June of '62.
But perhaps Marina and the baby were there with Lee, but at the time when the picture was being taken, maybe Marina had to get up from the table and tend to the baby. (Diaper change perhaps?)
Or: Perhaps Marina and the baby never went to the dining room with Lee for this particular meal at all. However, it does, indeed, look like some food and drink is present on the table (opposite from Lee), suggesting that Lee was not sitting alone at his table.
But was it Marina's food and drink, or perhaps someone else's? We can never know, of course.
Isn't it fun when a "new" picture pops up out of nowhere occasionally?
FWIW, here's a short passage from Vince Bugliosi's tome relating to the Oswalds' voyage on the Maasdam (click for a bigger view):

To see the two sets of answers that Lee Oswald wrote in preparation for the press interviews that never materialized upon his return to America, CLICK HERE.
David Von Pein
July 23, 2023
On July 23, 2023, Paula Bosse, who operates the excellent blog called "Flashback: Dallas", re-posted something she had originally written back in 2010, and I got such a big kick out of her post, I wanted to link to it here on my own blog.
It's a post titled "Jury Duty at the Old Municipal Building, Not for the Faint-Hearted".
Here are two comments that were left by a couple of Paula's readers, including myself....
A beautiful building. It’s wonderful that it was restored. Architecture makes a powerful statement and implies that the occupants of a building have the strength and integrity of the structure.
I see that they altered the entrance leading from the basement parking garage into the building. Why would someone change the place Jack Ruby shot Lee Harvey Oswald? Maybe because that’s where certain members of the Dallas Police set Lee up to be shot?
For years I thought Lee was brought down the inner main hall to his death. And Detective Jim Leavelle promoted that idea in an interview in the newly renovated basement hallway.
Watch “Captain Fritz signaling Ruby to move in” on YouTube. “We were coming down the hall” Leavelle tells the interviewer.
You can see how it looked in 1963 on YouTube at “Jack Ruby’s Timely Time Stamped Visit To Western Union” (start at 13:00).
Then watch “That Day In Dallas by Steven Cooper” on YouTube. Leavelle brought Lee down the elevator in the booking room.
There are a number of videos that show Detective Leavelle doing some fancy side stepping out of that side door to get into the middle of the entrance way. That door is blocked over now along with the door that was across from it. They removed the original double doors and installed glass double doors further out into the garage area.
Leavelle is right in one thing he says. The lights were very bright. The lights were coming from behind where Ruby was standing. It looks like Lee spotted Ruby but then the lights hit him in the eyes and he looked away, Ruby moved in. Then they took Lee back in that side door and behind the booking desk. Tending to him.
Don’t be afraid. The Kennedy assassination is complicated because it was so well choreographed. Just like Leavelle’s fancy footwork out into the entranceway. This case is begging to be solved.
Hi Paula,
What a fantastic post you wrote in 2010 concerning your torturous experience at old Dallas City Hall. I can't tell you how much I enjoyed reading it. I'm still laughing pretty hard. (Although, at the time, I'm sure it wasn't very humorous to you.)
BTW / FWIW....
I fear that fellow commenter Steven Uanna has been reading too many JFK conspiracy books (and watching way too many YouTube videos filled with more crackpot JFK assassination theories than you can shake a stick at). Because there was, of course, nothing even slightly sinister or covert about the way that Dallas Homicide Captain J. Will Fritz and Detective James R. Leavelle behaved as they escorted Lee Harvey Oswald into the basement of Dallas City Hall on November 24, 1963.
Captain Fritz most certainly was not “signaling Ruby to move in”. And the “fancy footwork” that Mr. Uanna thinks was being exhibited by Jim Leavelle is something that exists only in the fertile imaginations of many inventive conspiracy theorists.
Extended coverage of Oswald being shot by Jack Ruby can be seen at my website below:

Mr. Uanna thinks the assassination of President Kennedy is a case that is “begging to be solved”. But, in reality (i.e., here in the "real world" where outlandishly improbable conspiracy theories are never taken seriously by reasonable people), the case has been solved. And it's been solved, just as it should have been, by utilizing and properly evaluating the actual evidence that exists in the case (with virtually all of that evidence, of course, pointing directly at one person—Lee Harvey Oswald).
In fact, for the most part, the murders of both John F. Kennedy and Dallas policeman J.D. Tippit were solved even before Oswald took his last breath at Parkland Hospital on 11/24/63.
Anyway, putting the constant "Conspiracy vs. Lone Nut" controversy aside, my thanks (again) go out to Paula Bosse for not only this fabulous "Municipal Building" blog post, but also for all the other many interesting and absorbing posts she has written over the last several years at her "Flashback: Dallas" website.
David Von Pein
July 24, 2023
The JFK documentary below was made public on YouTube on July 24, 2023. It's called "The Kennedy Assassination: Inside The Book Depository" and was created by a "30-something Swedish guy" who runs the YouTube channel known as "LEMMiNO".
And this talented fellow from Sweden evidently has quite a large following there at YouTube, because his Kennedy video embedded below has amassed more than 3-million views in just its three days of existence.
It's a darn good video too—very (very!) good, in fact—featuring stellar graphics, music, and narration. I was quite impressed by just about everything in this video, including the common sense and logic that exists within the video's narration and (most importantly) the accuracy of the evidence and testimony that was presented throughout the 98-minute program.
That last comment I just made should have given away the following fact --- the video definitely was not made by a conspiracy theorist.
About the only mistake I could find in the video (either evidence-wise or typo-wise) is when Marilyn Sitzman's first name is misspelled. Not a bad record for an hour-and-a-half production about the JFK case.
Given the tremendous amount of detail that had to have gone into the graphics work, research, sourcing, and voiceover narration for this video, this impressive project must have taken a very long time to complete. I applaud "Lemmino" for his diligent efforts. I, for one, think those efforts were worth it.
Here's the video:
To see the complete (and huge) list of sources utilized for the above
video, GO HERE.
David Von Pein
July 27-28, 2023
July 28, 2023